received the endorsement Blogger's Day Saturday by Roark, one of the "owners" blog "Goodbye State." My sincere thanks to you and I repeat: I admire anyone who likes to write what I think and I generated a huge satisfaction. I hope to continue along the same path.
The rules are:
1 .- Write a post showing a photo of the Day Blogger Award, citing the blogger name you give it away.
2 .- Choose a minimum of seven blogs you deem to be important for some reason or you like and a brief description. Enter the name, link and advise them of the move.
3 .- (Optional). Show the award to your blog.
My blogger of the day are:
I do not think : That Joseph Benegas already have a collection of these awards is no accident. Able to analyze the reality of Argentina and very few do, this blog tells you with a touch of irony in the continuing assaults on individual liberty to the subject you're seeing.
The Pasquini : Always with a particular mood, is showing a very interesting practical analytical skills and gives excellent views with a very own style. It is time for Rudy to take the hint ...
Alberdianos : If we consider the name of the blog and also make clear that its author is Ricardo Lopez Göttig immediately understand the great value of their items. This same blogger also has two other blogs captive: Thinking in the third century and free Tibet.
The Place I'll Return To Someday : With a keen eye for reality, FZeroX always makes a point own view as a liberal. Writes very well when he has to write and choose well when you get to choose.
noogies: A blog that met less than two weeks and, after finding him I was sorry because he had no idea of \u200b\u200bits existence before. Impossible to categorize, conspiracy noogies art, sex, politics and philosophy in a completely transgressive, each article or image distill an axiom that, from what I could deduce, the author of the blog and feel like himself: "We are free! "
Argenlibre: is a blog of which I am partner and supporter of the party they voted the Sunday. The idea to open it to other bloggers is very good and necessary to sow the seeds of freedom in Argentina.
He believes compulsive : In a fun mix of opinions out this blog that, as its name implies, writes compulsively about everything and everyone.