Saturday, December 15, 2007

How Do You Tell The Difference Between An Ingrown

accomplished Evo today's army, the army of Eve morning ...

expropriated in the name of equality of the people netizens to: IN VOCE

Monday, December 3, 2007

How Much Do People Charge For Xanax

2007-2008 UEFA EURO 2008

already know the groups that have fallen in different selections for the contention of the first phase of the next European Championships so you can start to analyze what will happen in this competition that surprisingly for many is the absence of the England squad. On paper and based on their technical level the clear favorites are Spain, France and Portugal.

The absence of England shows that if you do not work well tactically, a selection of a technical level than the rest can be eliminated as a surprise. In the case of the selection of these deficiencies were so obvious as for example, the tendency to use as a playmaker Joe Cole hit the band when indoors (in theory more players own band) and lampard Guerrard and they tended to place usually center on the game systems that are not the best example of compatibility, or the use of pairs of forwards who are particularly compatible as little as rooney and owen.

In group A, we find selections Switzerland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Turkey. Is a group of the 3 major technical level selections, one of which in recent years has established itself as a major power and became the favorite of the previous Euro and a strong bet for the past many analysts world although now in hours rather low as is the Czech Republic, Switzerland host is selected in recent years has improved a lot as evidence of this is the good Euro 2004 and 2006 that made global good and last a Turkey that is not what it was in 2002 and retains a good number of players in this stage are no longer in his prime. In theory must pass to the next round Portugal accompanied by Switzerland for hosting and having an increasing level in recent years, despite its place at the crossing seems to be dispute with the Czech Republic and Turkey should not seem to represent many problems for any of these selections

In group B, we find Austria, Croatia, Germany and Poland. Germany is always a safe bet even if one of the worst teams in its history as has been the standard pattern in recent years. Croatia have made a brilliant run-up so you should go to the intersections, as well as being a team has worked very well enough quality. Poland is presented as the alternative to these, has also done a very good run-up but has no such quality as selection Balkans. Austria, despite being the host for football level, is apparently the "Cinderella" of the entire tournament, so it should be final.

The group C is clearly the most complex and highest level with teams such as Holland, Italy, Romania and France, ie a priori selection of each drum stronger except the third which was the strongest with teams like Spain, Germany, Portugal and Romania before the draw that many thought could be surprise of the tournament. I would say that French is a selection "I can and do not want" because it has a much higher level than the rest, but their approaches are overly defensive tactical, asymmetrical (bands present in one end and a playmaker like that as a playmaker Ribery is is not wide player), is a veteran over selection (which can play in your favor, but against him), however should pass the group stage. Italy is the great enigma, by tradition has passed, but in Italy the story is a powerful weapon, before the World Cup we were confident that many would be winning because "behind every great football scandal Italian, a triumph of your choice "and behind a large selection of the world is usually a mediocre Championship by suggesting that in view of the group that has could be excluded, however a good league final and that implied cassano that plays the euro, could be a very in favor of this sneak peek. Holland's theory is that should remain third in the group, but I see they have very clear ideas and I see a clear decline, have traditionally had a very definite game system, "WW", but in recent games seems to have forgotten giving up his trademark, football for the ends to accommodate the system to van der Vartan (the the most talented player of all selected), Seedorf (probably the best player in the entire selection and a true veteran and for that reason. He missed the last World Cup) and Sneijder (the youngest of 3 and a player too Van Basten's liking) without giving the figure of half say static defense, which is the last one is the most defensive in the tip of the diamond when Seedorf has reached half defensive play and Sneijder in theory it is, to the use of this system without extreme injuries have helped robben and van persie, the most common in this river. Romania if it were in a group so complicated, you could bet on it as a surprise for this competition, but above about Italy and Holland could give, but this is very complicated.

Group D with Greece, Sweden, Spain and Russia. Spain, a priori must pass smoothly through their technical, tactical level but leaves many questions, but many, if not more in a group so affordable it would be a candidate for the negative surprise of the tournament. Sweden level, should go too, but selection is a clear decline since its level has dropped too much is a very short space of time (probably the weakest of the group), at the tactical level I am concerned the role of Kallstrom, when you play in band does when it clearly is a playmaker and is the best team player along with Ibrahimovic and Elmander. Greece, despite being the current champion is the selection with the poorest level of the whole group, and it is a very practical choice since they live on the effectiveness of its defense and its backlash that is what most will agree view of his poor technical level, to Spain for his type of game can give you many problems and that his defense is close. Russia is a clear candidate to be a surprise, since in recent years the Russian football has grown a lot, football is a bit like Mexico as the economic level it is often retain their top talent and attract good players out, also have good team players, are assisted Guus Hiddink's national teams that has proven to be a great coach.

Spain at the tactical level I am very concerned for not knowing to play. No one knows if it's played with one or two strikers, if played with two not the best example of compatibility (villa and towers) and if played with one will not be the best person to do as a lone striker in a team that presupposes offensive. Aragon seems to bet by the misnomer of "gamers", since what has always been understood by "gamer" (although not gave him this name) were the ends to be characterized by the overflowing players, the so-called "gamers" just overflow two, Iniesta and Silva and ends have little, since they are clearly attacking midfielders; of the bet by players such I worry that give a lot of ball possession, but little clarity in the final meters and more when playing without center forward (an example of what you get is the array of last season while playing for adebayor henry), and Greek teams close much and to those people with computers is essential overflow capacity if you really want to win, so does the football is a sport of specialists and this way of playing is in contradiction with this fact. Another thing that worries me is that Aragon shows not know that a front end is a long overdue because it tends to align so that one end required. It is a physically weak team at least in general, which is a major drawback.

In conclusion, we can classify as favorites to Germany, Portugal, France and Italy, as potential surprises Switzerland, Croatia and Russia. In Spain not encapsulated in either category, since by their tactical level and its history (the teams with great tradition tend to have better technical and tactical level to Germany or Italy) I can not be considered favorites, and a selection Spain coach level it can not be considered as a surprise.
