This is an article I stole from Mariano Iraola his excellent blog "Write these lines" :
"They want to work commit genocide." Hugo Moyano, leader of the Mafia Union Argentina. Says
Royal English Academy : "Genocide. (From gr. γένος, strain, and-cide). 1. M. systematic extermination or elimination of a social group based on race, ethnicity, religion, politics or nationality.
"Why this mania of the parasites of the state to associate the word genocide to everything that goes against their personal interests?
Expanding this post, as I am with Royal English Academy , I take the audacity to remind Don Hugo and his associates of the Mafia association Argentina the meaning of a verb that seems to not know:
" Work. (Del lat . * tripaliāre of tripalĭum).
2. intr. Being in employment in a company, institution, etc. Do you work or study?
3. intr. Exercise particular profession or trade. Working as a journalist. Works as a gardener.
7. intr. Try to get something, usually with effort. Working for peace.
10. tr. Apply or devote effort to achieving something. This course has worked
much mathematics. U. prnl tc. Work has been promoted.
11. tr. Develop or shape a field. Woodworking, leather.
12. tr. Farming. Working the field. "
"They want to work commit genocide." Hugo Moyano, leader of the Mafia Union Argentina. Says
Royal English Academy : "Genocide. (From gr. γένος, strain, and-cide). 1. M. systematic extermination or elimination of a social group based on race, ethnicity, religion, politics or nationality.
"Why this mania of the parasites of the state to associate the word genocide to everything that goes against their personal interests?
Expanding this post, as I am with Royal English Academy , I take the audacity to remind Don Hugo and his associates of the Mafia association Argentina the meaning of a verb that seems to not know:
" Work. (Del lat . * tripaliāre of tripalĭum).
2. intr. Being in employment in a company, institution, etc. Do you work or study?
3. intr. Exercise particular profession or trade. Working as a journalist. Works as a gardener.
7. intr. Try to get something, usually with effort. Working for peace.
10. tr. Apply or devote effort to achieving something. This course has worked
much mathematics. U. prnl tc. Work has been promoted.
11. tr. Develop or shape a field. Woodworking, leather.
12. tr. Farming. Working the field. "
I hope these mobsters some leave their tricks and apply some of these meanings of the verb to work or otherwise, ending his days in the shade and wearing a striped suit. "