I saw the other day on the internet and the truth is that I was somewhat disappointed. So many expectations were so good were the references that had on it and the criticism he had read (not to mention that it was the big winner in the Goya), which I knew little. I had heard that at last the English cinema had recovered, we were able to make a film in conditions without tits and transvestites. Vale, Antonio Resines appears in the movie, but you know that some things never change.
Moving on, I especially liked the story idea. A guy on his first day of work is trapped inside the prison during a riot in it. If inmates learn that not one of your life will be yours grave danger, so he has to trick the other into thinking he is a prisoner more on your first day in jail. Time that a trailer was a priori not promise much, and that is something that is appreciated.
I found it very well recreated the prison environment. Far from trying to imitate Hollywood prisons, Cell 211 makes clear that the disadvantages of being behind bars is not reduced to the deprivation of freedom, but within it men already become dangerous animals. Other rules than those governing society in this little world, and one had better follow if not to suffer more than necessary. In addition, cultured and refined people (even evil murderers) will not be your most frequent cellmates. Rather, junkies, thieves, drug dealers, abusers, rapists, vicious, terrorist with bad manners and no respect will be the daily bread of those who end up in any English prison.
It was a great success dealing with the issue of ETA, and even more in the way it is done. They are hated or at least marginalized by the other prisoners (I'm glad that some good practices are not lost or in prison) and Malamadre (leader of prisoners) are used as currency in order to meet their demands. The message behind this deserves an "olé your eggs" that one has come to discuss the problem of ETA in this movie. It shows how the ETA prisoners are of greatest concern to a government (which says I do not know, but it is assumed that if the events taking place at present, will be the Socialist), which makes a clear distinction between ETA and the rest of prisoners. And when I say that makes a distinction I mean preferential treatment and distinguished from others. Astonished the film shows a government that is terrified that something will happen to the ETA members who are in that jail and is willing to yield to the demands of the prisoners in exchange for nothing will happen. Scandal in the news, political pressure from the Basque Country, "a possible political negotiations broken? There are many issues of concern to a government that pays attention to which, moreover, should be the most excluded among the excluded.
As for the characters, implying that Malamadre nailed the role of leader, with a touch lower-class pure and indirectly show a reality known by all, that for a few: prisons are full of people from the extracts more strata of society, both culturally and economically. The other characters have their moments, and just would highlight the junkie Malamadre colleague, whose name I forget, which reflects how the brain you have left after you've got everything and more. Anything funny and pretty bad mood, not as many trashy drug to which we are accustomed to English cinema (see Torrente Gabino Diego).
That said, let us turn to the negative points of this film. First, let's start with those things it lacks. It lacks a bit of context. Pretty context rather. Who is Malamadre, what has he done, how he became the leader. Who are these ETA, in which were involved. What is the current status of ETA, which will serve as bargaining chips for nothing (you can guess as I said before, but not enough).
On the other hand, the story lacks days. Anybody can explain how a guy with good manners face and person, which none of the prisoners known, becomes a hero in a half hour? No school. It is improbable, anything possible. For a start, John had taken a club locally termed upon arrival, just in case, and quite possibly the most prisoners feel a rejection of it would take to irse.Obviamente, Malamadre would not allow a "fool" who has just seen the first act of leadership, let less would have become his companion, talking about personal issues and worrying about it as if it were his best friend. Needless to say, would not have important functions entrusted to write the letter are the requests of the prisoners (the fact that John is more educated and have good writing is not more than a cheap excuse to give an unnecessary prominence .) In my humble opinion, John would have entered and have been caught days before the riot (which less), for whatever reason, and should have lived with them for a while. Only then, and still cost me, could believe that an inmate will go up to her shoulders like a matador, just like in the movie.
While in recent times the movies last too long, I think that Cell 211 would have come in handy half an hour more. The storyline is cut in half, just do not feel affection for any of the characters and lack of information and time to tell the whole story.
Another shortcoming is a consequence of other already mentioned briefly above is that viewers are not able to get a realistic picture of people like Malamadre. Do not change our perception of it if we knew that, for example, has killed his sister and mother? Because to be where have done something pretty bad. I am outraged when movies try to paint a good guy bad guy through deception. That is, omitted crucial information from his past to not adversely affect the way we think about that subject.
Finally, one of the worst failures of the film is that there is no clear protagonist, an axis around which turn the film. Some people say that someone is John and suffers an evolution from entering the jail to the end of the film. But however much that may be true, the character of John goes to have a major role to be forgotten in various stages of the film. Honestly, you do not just feel very identified with it.
Therefore, if the action is not focused entirely or John, or Malamadre, or any of the officers or other prisoners, one may think it is because it is to provide a overall prison life. I am afraid that is not achieved this objective. It is true that one can get a good rough idea of \u200b\u200bhow horrible it can be passed only one day there, but this film allowed much more. Unfortunately it has been half way.
In conclusion, despite all the criticisms I have outlined, the bittersweet feeling that I left this movie is more sweet than sour, which is a sign that we in the right direction. Next they try to follow the 211 cell line I hope they have finally forget Antonio Resines services or classic type of cinema that we leave behind (must be seated on the bench as Raul, whether we even) and be able to realize a little more for the purpose of his work and approach will give.