has already come a long way since then. Enough of the These were not born in those years. At that time, the singers spoke of love but give us throw up, or change the radio station. Do not beat around the bush, did not use expressions or corny rhymes shameful. A guitar, a hat, some boots to match the suit and, of course, a good voice was all they needed to create attractive melodies and entertaining lyrics and catchy. It was the splendor of the Country, back in the 30 to 60 of the last century when it became a business that moved a lot of money.
Johnny Cash recounted how a man out of prison before he died he gave all his money to a transient in order to turn him over to his wife. I asked him to tell it to find another husband to not be alone, to buy nice clothes, and his son, who was proud of him, although he had not had time to learn enough ( Give my love to Rose).
George Jones and his songs are talking about guys who recognize their mistakes and never blamed the woman in question for having abandoned. Sometimes it was hard to recognize that, at bottom, still in love ( Hello Darlin ' or She Thinks I Still Care). And to know, in that we still have changed. Before he already had the legendary Hank Williams songs like Lovesick Blues.
And for anyone to think that only the single comment that could be identified with any man, or I'm just a nostalgic, give the example rewarding Sara Evans, Country singer in 2003 with the theme Suds in the Bucket, on a girl who runs away from home with his first (perhaps final) love, swept the U.S.. However, the song does not sound cheesy as the "songs" current rule. Unfortunately, she is an exception, and such Songs are in clear minority compared to Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus and company, whose themes are empty of feeling, they release a lot of talk corny.
Another characteristic of these songs is that not only spoke of the girl and boy love each other and everything around them. We could find stories about parents and children. The son who hated his father and ignored it in the background you wanted more than I imagined ( A boy named Sue ), or the mother who cared for her son but does not make him any attention in Don ' t take your guns to town (both of Johnny Cash). And yes, by If anyone is thinking, I admit my fondness for the man in black , my favorite without question.
Finally, it is time to review all the successes of the Country. It is time to reclaim our right as a young, less young or old to regain a genre that historically we always enjoyed and now many of us feel embarrassed to see how it looks.
males say that we do not like romantic songs ... I disagree. Openly abhor what are these "things" (does not seem very correct to call it otherwise) pseudorománticas / Nones of today; but not the issue, but because you, yes, you, little by little, you have done with the exclusivity of the genre, and both her music and lyrics are now designed to excite only girls in the age of the turkey, woman scorned and amorous obsessions. No hard feelings, but it's true;)