was arguing with a college classmate on the controversial "Drago" who joins us this last days when suddenly opened my eyes. The boy was tired, dizzy, could not understand what was happening. Had set foot outside their circle of political correctness, ism unconditional thinking of unique, political ignorance (call it what you like), and there was no the idea of \u200b\u200bhow he thought other than humans, whose reasons were different from theirs. But it is also not afraid to express, again and again, a thousand if needed.
Then came the moment of which I speak. What little boy or drunk, had this type, probably unconsciously, a show of sincerity capital. He said what others think of his line, but most experienced in this type of war of words, shut up. It is politically incorrect even for them, you might say. But of course, a rookie, a "bambi" in this area, suddenly seemed engaged in a conversation via facebook, to many eyes known and some unknown yet what would be your next reply. So they liked, they took center stage, raising the tone of the debate, clearly ignoring the issue that had caused such discussion until they released this, his great contribution, although he did not believe it, that can be applied to any self-respecting progressive :
"The funny thing is you who speak of freedom of expression. What you are confusing, to which you refer is the freedom of stupidity "
whistle. So without further ado. too obvious to one who is accustomed to dealing with all kinds of" cucumber "in power, so busy left and right attack, which goes part of the fun time in defense of the atrocities attributed to him and rarely sees an edge so easy and so open. It's become so ridiculously obvious that it is not necessary if you want to highlight their stupidity, for many, the intelligent, not donkeys, you may have noticed while I did, that this subject is portrayed as such a statement does flatly astounding.
us comment because the little phrase. Funny is not the adjective I would use for someone who talks about freedom of expression. I have great respect for this right and do not understand where it is ludicrous to want to exercise this constitutional right. Do you find this funny guy to talk "we" of that freedom? But who are we? I know I am me, which I read is another, and the third corner and I know him. Surely, yes, we are all English, and as citizens of this country, we are free to say what we please, with boundaries clearly marked by the courts, and should be as few as possible. Within these limits include, yes, the "otegis" and another mob invoking that right, you mess with his blood and call more bombs and more violence. Neither I, nor do I believe that I read or the third corner we are terrorists or advocacy of terrorism. While, however, that either I find it funny. Curious sense of humor, then. Irony, perhaps. I assume too much about this guy, I think.
In the second sentence ends at once what we were sensing from the first. And, as he says, to which we refer is the "Freedom of Stupidity." Not find it in the Constitution, not coming. In fact, will never come, as is implicit in freedom of expression. Belén Esteban freedom of getting up every morning, go to a TV set and entertain some pensioners who do not have much to do and having fun with the bullshit that this lady loose in the mouth. Or the freedom of the late former minister of Ministry of Gender, substantive inventing impossible. In short, freedom. I count it, and that everyone can use at your leisure. It makes me less grace you have people who vote for those who use the freedom to say stupid things every day with more obstinacy. But I never want to censor any of them.
But this guy is talking about freedom of expression and freedom of stupidity as different things. We come to say that one is recognized and the other not. Or in other words, is telling us that we be silent, we are entitled to speak, yes, but not to talk nonsense. Hey, and who decides what is stupid and why not? If I was to measure the degree of stupidity that something needed to be objectionable, there would be millions of English people who should not open his mouth as a rule. But what if this limit is put another more intelligent than me? So certainly I would have to shut up often. Unfortunately, I think the subject to which I refer would have had his lips sealed in both cases.
therefore conclude wishing long life to the freedom of stupidity. I encourage liberals, rojetes, rojiprogres, Appreciation, illiterate political, weather vanes, and other band, to defend it as their most precious right. If you take away, if you take away the right to freedom of stupidity, including within the freedom of expression, this seems a silent movie. The sites of silence, reflection, and would not churches, but the headquarters of the Ferraz street, the circle of Fine Arts, Moncloa, the sets of the Sixth, the wording of Public ... There would be no freedom of stupidity , and therefore, all should be quiet stupid.