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Many believe that the title chosen should have been "OWNED". I support them. |
(spoiler Warning)
has happened again. Good writing, interesting characters, engaging story quickly and two hours of film. After that, one minute you take away any illusion of a happy ending (do not be evil-minded, I do not mean the massage or your girlfriend). Sometimes it feels that if the viewer leaves the room is happy sign that the movie was not too "deep." Go bullshit! One could list a host of excellent films in which the boy marries girl, the prodigal son returns home and the bad die and everything returns to normal. Not Just the fact that the movie ends right or wrong, but to answer a question that comes to mind when the credits: was it necessary? is understandable that, for example, the palme DiCaprio in Titanic (even those who thought he had plenty of room at the table next to Kate). Or that dead end again Blood Diamond. Or that Life is Beautiful majete father (Roberto Benigni) you get shot in the head. There are countless examples. In these cases one feels sorry for the protagonist, but he knows he has not died in vain or that his death has a meaning beyond that particular story.
But we know that is not always so. It's just that I've come to tell you here today. The last movie I viewing (as they say in Clockwork Orange): Buried (Buried) . I was attracted by what to be completely different from anything else you've seen before in film and therefore has to be given a chance. The guy who locked in a wooden box underground (Ryan Rynolds, the same Van Wilder, The Animal Party , who would have thought!) Makes a fool of and among his magnificent performance, the cameras, light and the music get to see who I ended up thinking that it is he who has been kidnapped (well, almost). It is not recommended for claustrophobic or ofidiofóbicos (who are afraid of snakes. I've looked at Wikipedia, I admit). Yes I encourage you to see, however, the hipnofóbicos (those who are afraid to sleep. Wikipedia to the rescue again), as the permanent darkness in which takes the film is able to knock down anyone who has not slept enough hours previously. I saw in two days, it goes without saying why. Anyway, after that you believe you're the guy who's in there hard time passing them, of course want the fucking yankees will for you, take you out of the hole you have put those in the jihad and, immediately afterwards, power take a machete to those who are Africans in the films of type Hotel Rwanda massacres or Tears of Sun ("Tears of Sun?) ready to slash at your company, who not content with fire you for not paying a penny to your family if you were you to another neighborhood (which is highly likely), it also has the shamelessness to tell you when 're buried alive in an unfamiliar place and you're running out of time.
course that is my end, I would have liked. The director chose to kill the character. And I do not understand. The guy was no hero, nor a man with a dark past, and his death saved thousands of lives, or anything else. He was a carrier who had done everything to survive and the only damn thing he asked was follow living to come home, see his wife, caring for your toddler and little else, as its economy was not buoyant say. But no, the protagonist dies. And not just any death, but suffocated to fill the box / coffin of land that falls through the cracks, while the Americans saying that he hopes they are about to save, which is a matter of seconds, they are there mismito, until oh, what bad luck, realize the last time they have been given the wrong address and found another unhappy that he is not.
Rodrigo Cortés (film director) wanted to imagine critical to dramatize social and blah blah. For me there was enough protest during the first 120 minutes, what can I say. On the other hand, if the reason for giving me fucking is a realistic touch to the film, there are many unrealistic things in it that, for that matter, should be polished. Thus, boat suddenly strikes me as implausible that it runs out of oxygen do not know how many hours it takes to shut up (update: it seems that our friend has about 90 minutes before being unable to breathe), or having a better coverage in my house (my house is pretty poor, but I think that has to be better than yours).
Yet I am of the view that there should be polished several exaggerations and inaccuracies. I like, sometimes even amuse me, and above all, help create new frames. It's a movie, not a documentary or a story. So be welcome all, to some extent. And therefore, what harm was that the protagonist was rescued? None. A pity that the director did not think the same. The spectators would still hate the guy who falsely reassured by the mobile, the aforementioned capua your company, the operator useless, his wife was not home until you are about to diñarla, etc. Well, the terrorist, obviously.
In short, I know many will disagree with me, addicted to drama, a sad and dubious outcomes. My idea of \u200b\u200bcinema generally, is to hold two hours of my time on an activity I report something positive. Can there be giggling, seeing a huge actress, convoluted arguments finally clear, overwhelming personality characters, etc. If the end brings chosen to go with dismay at home and find no apparent reason for that to happen, get it, but despite them, which resounds in my head the following conclusion: " Now parents are they much more stupid, less developed and have less rewards. But the good time that I spent two nights ago with Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro no one can take away me. And, on top, with a happy ending. "
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It is probably worse than before, but has its Puntazo . One them Jessica Alba. |