Thursday, February 24, 2011

Marriageinvitation In Tamil

conquer America (New Blog: Double Malta)

Then I hit the first of (hopefully) many items that from now on will post with my friend and partner discussions, Grant, a new blog we created together for the occasion. DOUBLE called MALTA. And as the name suggests, opinions twice. Each week a topic. I will defend a position, and Grant usually the opposite. Let's say my partner in this adventure is for those who have some reluctance to get into places like see or hear Intereconomía Federico Jiménez Losantos (let them hehe). For all this I think it might be interesting to see the two side of the coin, and each one chooses what is more convincing him or leave their point of view in the comments, which will always be well seen. I encourage you to grumble, in fact, and maticéis what you please.

Finally, I leave you with the first delivery. Henceforth, I recommend you go directly Doble Malta, as in Once upon a time a liberal just hang mine, and I do not think all.


was the year 1511 AD After the expedition led by Basque Núñez de Balboa to found Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien, the first European city stable Americas, which sent advanced back to Cuba under the command of Juan de Valdivia. had, however, the misfortune of encountering a fierce storm that shattered the vessel, leaving a complicated situation to which it contained. Only eight reached the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in a boat crammed. On arrival, the Maya of the area they were in a violent manner, normal reaction to the foreign presence in the wild, killing six others. The English were as dead to all that advanced climbers (some a priori quite logical), but is wrong. Eight years later, in 1519, when Hernán Cortés the beginning, ultimately, successful conquest of Mexico, came to his ears the news that two English lived with the Maya. Geronimo de Aguilar and Gonzalo Guerrero had fared better than their peers to issue years ago and survived in hostile land.

It is said that Geronimo de Aguilar was friar Ecija born twenty years before the events are recounted here, with only thirty when he learned that he was still alive among savages. On the other hand, Gonzalo Guerrero was harquebusier, from Palos de la Frontera and a decade older than his fellow expedition. Their stories overseas had a similar start, although as time went on their ways they could not become more divergent.

When in 1519 Hernán Cortés sends a group of English to find his fellow castaways, Geronimo de Aguilar, eager to reunite with their mates and not having never lost the Catholic faith that had been inhospitable place, the chief requested permission to who had served as a slave for the past eight years to be reunited with his brothers. Mayan chief granted such a request in order to achieve peace with the English, "brave men" with whom desirable to have a good relationship. Peace, as we know, failed.

Gonzalo Guerrero, on the other hand, had spent all that time so very different. Participant in local life is very active, married a Mayan princess and having raised a family, he had surrendered completely to the native culture, even to pierce the ears. They remained with the Mayans, who helped to the point of being an important element in the resistance of these against the English, their true compatriots, which helped him earn the nickname Renegade (with some merit, in my opinion .)
Meanwhile, Geronimo de Aguilar returned with their peers and away from returning to Spain continued to fight in what became known as New Spain, and was very helpful knowledge of Mayan languages. Both Gonzalo Guerrero and Jeronimo de Aguilar died a few years later in America, but on different sides, making the end of the day what everyone thought he should do, without asking anything in return, without receiving anything material for his exploits. His bravery and determination led them however to appear in the pages of history, now forgotten by too many and manipulated by unscrupulous people.
Without doubt that both were the only survivors had a reason. Or rather many. One of them, serve as an example of how real was the conquest of America. Where young and not so young, or Avilés Viscaya, of Badajoz and Calatayud, sailed anywhere in search of a better future and the strengthening and expansion of an unshakable faith. It is the story of men who were found seasoned on the other side of the world, still unknown to other men who were hiding in the lush nature surrounding them. Tribes and nations vying among themselves, make sacrifices and small genocide before anyone came to conquer. The clash of cultures came waves of blood, violence and juicy booties for some fortunate. But also a new society, the mixture (which did not occur in other conquests), unworkable if all the atrocities they tell us they were real.
However, the most important lesson should be to ask who are we to judge noses, in the XXI century, the actions perpetrated five centuries ago by our ancestors that we consider "bad" based on our current values \u200b\u200b . We should, by therefore focus, in any case, those virtues that were once valued and today are entirely absent or trampled. The Geronimo de Aguilar embodying or many others. Even the most vile of the conquerors built their thinking and actions on solid values. Men were much more respectable than what Spain now swarm the present, where all these heroes of the story would hardly be reflected by the prevailing moral relativism that sees the brave, arrogant, the honest, crazy and patriotic facade.

never interested me much about the English conquest of America, basically because I have always felt clumsy and cumbersome work: go far as you can, what you can and prey when the silver mines are exhausted you get home. I have no objection to this approach. I'm not criticizing, because time and circumstances were different. But do not praise things that are so bad: if you want to loot a group of unfortunates less advanced than you, at least do style (for details see Roman Empire).

Spain's history is the history of cutrismo. So. Spain is one of the ugly ducklings of Europe (it is not the ugliest), and its rise and fall is quite far from the glamor of epic battles and philosophical and scientific advances that some believe to see. But Spain has always been black and dirty, feral and hipercatólica. Probably few empires to escape similar descriptions, but the criticism must begin at home. The adventure of the Americas is just one example of that when talking about the alleged deeds of any nation is confused with strength barbarism, ignorance with courage, moral fanaticism, amorality with intelligence. Yes, there were some positive aspects, and comparatively there are things that came out not so bad after all (at least in South America are indigenous, for example). But we must recognize that the conquest of America was a fudge, which was not known, or did not want to create a system of social organization that was not based on the kleptocracy (special mention deserve some Jesuits and other people with true convictions Morales, who did try to do something constructive with the new world).

Anyway, the story is what it is and one can only learn from it. One of the most valuable lessons of the conquest of America (and not only at the hands of the English) is that, contrary to what many believe infantilized cretins, there are cultures and cultures. Despite all that crap that proclaim from the rooftops about the equality of all social organizations, the reality is imposed, and says there are strong and weak, wise and foolish, and lazy workers. Some cultures are able to rise to the occasion and others not. But there is no injustice, as all humans from the same point of departure. Some rode it better than others, and Native Americans were a disaster, as would the English a couple of centuries later.

Perhaps what I mean with all this is that while the conquest of America may like more or less in their execution, is as absurd goats as proud of it. Are things that happened too long ago and, like it or not, these events would not be our situation is today. I leave the "what if" for people with more imagination and desire to manipulate in his favor.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pair Hp Wireless Mouse


colpasadas Consultations on the rehabilitation wing of the Hospital Gómez Ulla (Madrid). And the average age of no less than seventy. I guess all patients who are making me lose the morning and few hours of class have a good reason to be here ... OK, who am I kidding. The only one who has an injury caused by sports or occupational incident and intention to stay in shape as soon as I am. The rest of these ladies are but they seem to be at bingo in the park or waiting for them to do a manicure. It does not matter. For them, a place to join others their age, discuss their nonsense, and come to complain about service, passing in the morning, too long for those who have voluntarily wake up at seven in the morning.

would not mind the little old gentlemen used the doctor's visit as an excuse for leisure and recreation were it not do so at the expense of my time and my patience (and a little money at the expense of everyone, too.) I do I have bad knee, I did recover and I love sports. The rest of my companions on this sunny morning, which I have not been able to enjoy the sunshine and are not going to go jogging and I doubt that a trip when you leave here. In addition, en el 90% de los casos, seguirán quejicosos, les dejen como les dejen, pues a esa edad tampoco es que haya arreglos milagrosos para lo que el tiempo ya ha puesto fecha de caducidad. Y quejarse, ya se sabe, es además la mejor forma de llamar la atención.

Son las 10:37 y sigo escribiendo para no dormirme de aburrimiento. La consulta debía haber comenzado a las 10:00. ¡Ja! Entre la impuntualidad del médico (¡qué raro!) y que he llegado a las 9:30 y había ya una legión de pensionistas haciendo cola para ser los primeros apuntados en la lista (no se les vaya a hacer tarde, ¡por Dios!), mi mañana se presenta de lo más animada. Al menos tengo cobertura.

picturesque scenes there are of all colors wherever they fixed my attention. See the typical woman who talks about his grandson's sake, through which he recounts all his medical records from beginning to pa (with a considerable amount of hype and drama) to those that have all the pills that are taken for its thousand and one ailments. From the seating area next to see two classics of these places. On the one hand, the legendary lady who feigns to be an expert familiar with the hospital (it is, in fact) and indicates where to find this site and beyond to all who pass near it. On the other, one that tries to sneak or place to give birth to the nurse and everyone who gets in their way wielding irrefutable arguments such as that she had one thing in the steering wheel that does not match, or she who is always seen Dr. Torres and not the other, or that this young lady she has told so and so and so. What little delicacy! Stop beating around the poor lady, did not see that you are going to close ... the super?

As male, is also represented, though to a lesser extent or maybe they are felt much less. The men arrived at an age, we face a virtue that young women like me generacionee greatly appreciated. Or we die when we started to spend more time in hospital than at home, or we shut up and do not give the can. Not a sound do those old glories, by reading the newspaper, or thinking about their things. Some, whom I admire, are husbands of some of the above and have to suffer in silence the plate that is giving women. Still, take a look at the daily press in a living room with a warm temperature is very much to his liking and is basically the same they would be making su____ (home-park-senior center nearest you).

In short, I would ask that those under 65 Tuvieramos preference to spend as consultation is concerned. The main reason is simple. For us, coming here is mind-numbing, frustrating and inconvenient, is the day it is. Takes us to meet our obligations and meet our commitments. For them, it is entertaining and, in fact, the more time goes better. And I would say it without fear of being wrong if the doctor is at the bottom edge are grateful (another gadget that comment with the law). Physicians should also friendly and efficient, therefore, serve those who are in student-labor period, production to after all.

But let's dream for a while. This will not happen, say these things because it sounds cruel, insensitive and "mataancianos." Perhaps tomorrow to change his mind and retract what I said in this post (seeing as I who start reading the obituaries every day), but for now the hospital mix-third age is beyond me.

Finally, it seems to me is getting closer to entering the consulting ... Indeed, it is said that in Galicia it rains this weekend. I was told a woman who is at my side and houses a strange interest in the weather will do in the north of Spain these days.

He says he has seen in ... Telecinco why not!