Thursday, May 5, 2011

Watch Me Masterbate On Beach


Valdés and Pinto : get into the same bag to the two goalkeepers, they are just kinkis both and have been distributed minutes at these meetings. One already knew their pimps. Who does not remember if Valdés outside Mou grabbing the neck when he removed them with Inter's Champions League final. In these four classic infarction has not been getting so fully in any fight, but not because we have lacked enthusiasm, but because the involvement of its partners in these tasks collaboration has made it unnecessary. Pinto was that this time it has taken over. Specialist goalkeeper to be expelled without jumping into the field several times, returned to give the note, beating Real Madrid and the coaching staff do not know if a player of Madrid on the way to tunnel. Pinto, expelled without playing a minute. Now that's a classic.

Busquets : a guy who has time to fake an average of two serious assaults per game, all in the face, without being touched in any face. It even has the nerve to try follow the game from the ground while disguised, to ensure that it has achieved its purpose. Wait until the innocent are being shown the opposing player and continue playing. Also known to call "monkey monkey" Marcelo covering her mouth. Promote the good vibes and tolerance of races are your major goals, as shown.

Piqué: not content with taking a hand in provoking the Bernabeu after the league match of the round, is bundled with insults Madrid players after the match back. That if the cup of your king, if your league have already won English, españolitos, blah, blah. Drop the jargon independence and embarrassing and, consistent with their behavior and ideology, denying cowardly acts on his twitter. Piqué, your airs of chulito see you since you came to Barca, who were not yet one and I thought you were God. And when many Madrid fans read what you said that day, we were not surprised at all. We were saddened, but if they had any of us imagined, that was you.

Puyol: is the capital of Barca, is a tough guy, which is needed if necessary, strip the floor for the ball to recover risking the type. That is its unique profile, but lately do not seem to hit much with the image that the FARC trying to sell themselves. In recent meetings however left her pearls. It resvala / pulled ahead of Di Maria in an action in which the latter was grappling with danger and had not touched Puyol. The referee (of course) lack whistled as Puyol always wanted since I was overwhelmed by the speed of "noodle." But without doubt the ugliest was the gesture that took in the final of the Copa del Rey, where not long or half a second in the medal off neck that had hung His Majesty the King. Do not wait to get off the field. On stage same, with a couple of cuyons. If you look in the dictionary definition of "sore loser" aperecerá you (or should) a pixelated image (to avoid hurt feelings) of removing Puyol fronted the medal as a child crying. [Unfortunately, I found the picture of that moment unfortunate]

Mascherano: Cristiano as well said the other day, is new to the club, but like everything it touches Barca soon has become m **** (we all know what was going to put). Pretend not to ever, has come to occupy the top 3 of most theater people of Barca players. Le holes in the shoulder and pain in the face, unless it is he who takes the ball under control. In this case you feel you've played at all ... Its adaptation to non-Catalans values \u200b\u200bis quite commendable, though.

Alves: arrive at one of the highlights. Is able to pretend that you have left tibia, writhing in pain to be drawn until the referee expelled Pepe (unfairly, but he would have played), still cries a little longer, wait for falling attendances, leave on a stretcher and the second, return to the field fully recovered. Alves is a regular on this performance, but I will not waste more time with him, for the image of him rolling like a top with his leg intact and trying to fool half the world is already well known. Has been portrayed as what it is.

Xavi Hernandez: future Barca coach here a few years without doubt, copy the modus operandi of Il Philosopher Guardiola. Always talking about "the ball", "The Game", "tactics", the benefits of Ceuta FC, respect for the sport, etc. etc. Always, except when he loses. Then all that good talk falls on deaf ears and it is the language saying things like "Today, football has lost" (after losing to Real Madrid in the final of the Copa del Rey). Also in the field has been heating the room (like the rest) and even have some players rifirafe with Madrid. While it does not become as nasty as any of his teammates, it has become clear that it has, as he likes to say, the "DNA Barça" in all its glory. Do not hesitate, Xavi.

Iniesta: the truth is that if one is being fought him. The kid has not gotten into no trouble, is this good people who never explain how you finish Barca and Barca being so. The fact is that is the exception that proves the rule. Probably because Madrid was small, it is nationalist Albacete and has no hair, or his character so right that sometimes it is dull, dull.

Villa : wanted to cum to Madrid. It seemed a nice guy, scored goals in the selection of Sporting's youth system, a good citizen. Among bells and whistles at the end did not come to Madrid and had no better idea than signing for the FARC. As one who sells his soul to the devil, Villa and has not been the same. Not so good, it does not mark many goals. But it's over is not far from the friendly guy that might appear long ago. Has brought out the essence Barcelona. Friction was important in these classics, especially with Arbeloa, who had food where the head because he was not going Villa and multiply. In one of these rogue tested (in Madrid sinvergonzada call it) to throw himself to seek the missing as is his custom. I do not remember now if the referee awarded or not failure, but not Ramos Arbeloa or swallowed with this hoax and do not waste any more time left him lying on the grass as if he had been shot. They lifted him by the arms (of the best images of these classic) and infuriated Villa Arbeloa was faced with, which previously had walked the first leg while still on the ground (if he did love each other, she should not have and do not recognize it hurts me).

Pedrito : continue with him, and he comes in handy. Well, this also stepped on the leg while on the ground (was Marcelo, if I remember correctly, but not surprise me that I had not seen. I myself have spent some time playing a pachanga ... Both guy on the floor, is normal.) However, the real question is why what was on the floor? You guessed it. Was faking an attack lacking. Although it was not only the canary, already a specialist in these conflicts. Must continue to practice if you want to reach the level of finesse of Alves, but the boy pointed ways. The final stage is their business. At the bottom left of the image as the largest attack suffered Pedro in all matches.

Messi: Messi always talked about as antithetical to Christian. Well another myth that has fallen. In reality, pretending to counter aggression and spit it had done before of these four classics. For those who follow him closely but did reaffirm what it is. When you put the thing chunga, piscinazo up, piscinazo down. U hurt me here, oh it hurts me there. And if you do not get to that ball, as I'm crushed, I shot a blow from a ball into the stands to see if labor will face some Madrid. I turn around and do not apologize either then or never. And I'm going away with it, obviously, because I'm from the FARC.

Guardiola: is the benchmark for all players in the squad. For the most nationalist of the team is a living example of how play an entire career without feeling the color selection. He has done, now speaking of Catalonia as a "home" and nobody dares to criticize. Hypocrisy in its purest form is ignored if you are the bald. Never talk about the referees, except when he criticizes or yells right decisions for the earpiece. Never enter into polemics, except when given a smack about a coach of a smaller rival team. He never speaks out of character in his press conferences except when he decided to say "is the master and PUTO PUTO boss" was something polite and cautious. But above all, and that if that is consistent, never show his face. Never assume their mistakes, their congratulations and praise the opponent are so exaggerated that they are not created or my cousin 8 years. When there is any play or controversial decision that benefits your team does not have the guts to even comment. This is the worst of all, no doubt. He is the leader of this pack of cheaters with class. It is tricky even without playing (as evidence, when he pretended that he had given Christian in the head in the Barça-Madrid in the first leg of the League).

could go on and on, but I'm tired. Remember, though, that if any of you thought this little, not to forget the most important: the UEFA, the biggest ally of the FARC. Villar , Platini and UNICEF, who also goes there and cargazo put together with Joan Laporta , Gaspart and as many Catalans who have the more corrupt than ever UEFA. Arbitrations are always home and contributes to the FARC in the key moments. It never fails. The slogan is clear.

And now, if a FC Barcelona has been offended, I apologize, but it is what it is. If it's something you say "congratulations on the Champions" (which is already a miracle except yours) ... Although I do not know if it's something to be proud. Winning a tournament with these players, the coach and this way of acting ... Almost makes me want to comfort them. Condolences or congratulations, as given. I am going to the Bernabeu to see 9 we have. ¡Hala Madrid!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cornflower Blue Flats


Raphael Minder and how a foreigner should not ever be
I just read in Digital Freedom an article discussing an earlier turn in digital writing and written New York Times . After take a look at the LD, I have come to the source, lest our poor level of English (this is the article) would have taken its toll also the editor and had not understood very clearly that there say. Painted so serious that I had to make sure.

But no. I've read and miraculously (for some) in LD, as was (irony aside), have been described and highlighted the most important thing that a certain Raphael Minder decided ultimately a day as the March 29, 2011.

As seen, this guy you are commenting on the NYT everything that happens in Spain and Portugal, so I understand that between the Yankees have him as an expert whose opinions matter are to be taken into account. Unfortunately, giving a quick review of your file, it seems more obsessed with criticizing that highlight our many attractions that are sure to be enjoyed now, and if not, forgive me, but idiot. But the sooner we move to what is said above about our country that meets the eye.

says fatal speak English. And over we go out to work you ever seen anything like it! Quote even Richard Vaughan (yes, the "Learn English"), which takes passing by to advertise its TV academy and saying, nothing more and nothing less, that the English we speak today "even worse than 15 years ago English. And it is so wide. Jo I ** s Richard, that if we spoke more to see what you c ** or lived. Plus it's a lie.

At another point, Raphael Minder assumes that the English want to work in New York, then let's clear now that this is only a distant dream. Ajam. I will discuss is my cousin, who was without knowing a word of your language to New York and returned knowing English perfectly ... in fact not a single case. Curious, eh, Raphael?

His other great moment, the irrefutable argument of our dire level of English, is stunned when he tells his countrymen how the English players insisted on mispronouncing the title of the movie "Buried" in Goya. Say no more, Raphael. Have started there ... If Buenafuente not know how to pronounce are lost. Every man for himself.

Well, turn to reply to the writer. What in Spain speaks broken English? Of course. What should we improve? No doubt. What Rajoy and Zapatero have no idea of \u200b\u200bEnglish? And gives quite a pity (that is another of his mega-arguments to highlight what we Scoundrels). Raphael Now tell me, how Bush walked in English? And Obama? Ahh ... do not get around in a word right? I see. And I have to say. Bothers me that a gentleman from New York comes to the misfortunes of Spain tell me that we all know and trying to correct. But it bothers me even more so when it does come from the worst country walks in the first world language, surely. The worst is that they are ridiculously disastrous in language and especially English, even having within its borders to 50 million Latinos who speak English as their native language. That is, more people live in the U.S. who speak English in Spain. Again, in the USA we speak more English than in Spain. The fact is that this does not seem to be enough incentive for the presidents of that country, and most of its people know how to say a word in English. Perfect. Not for me to criticize him. At least not in an article, unless even in a national newspaper and broadcast around the globe such as New York Times. I have no desire or interest in bad place to leave a nation we consider our friends, where I have many friends and would not wish anything bad. Still less to laugh at it or try to leave it free to the height of the bitumen. No, Raphael, and we'll leave that to you.

This guy dares even criticize our accent. Really? "An American criticizing our accent? This must be the world upside down. Also, since when does that matter. I dare say I do not know one person who speaks a language without any accent, unless you have lived there since I was very small. And back to what we could not go to work in USA, I'll tell you already do millions of Hispanics each day and many English who are there taking out the rooms as they can. So bad we speak and with that accent so crappy that we have, we move the United States, France or China like a fish in water. It's something that, frankly, I find it harder to imagine the typical yankee who comes here in summer and returns to his country as it has (thankfully not all are well. I generalized efforts to a minimum, unlike our colleague Raphael). Must be in character. And that British influence so have some of these guys tend to go to light as they set foot outside their territory. A pity, Raphael.

Finally, let it, because I do not want more heat. I was saddened by this article, I would have expected of an Englishman or a Frenchman, but had not imagined such arrogance in a Americanito that take several years writing about Spain (perhaps living or spending long periods here, I know) is believed to the right to ridicule in his moment of glory in the NY Times weekly.

And someone will say "but perhaps not right in what he says?" For in the idea of \u200b\u200bcourse. Spain needs to improve greatly language, not only in English. But do not think it ethical to give lessons in something that you give more trouble yet. Please, anyone who has gone to the United States knows what I mean. I'd settle South America to speak well (for there, at best, teaches English in South America, lest that by any chance speak Castilian escape them properly and a "you"). But even that.

Others will think perhaps that how dare I compare the significance it may have to speak English with the one with the English, and this is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. That reasoning is erroneous, because if we talk only so many people speaking languages, English is the third most widely spoken and as the batteries are not placed Anglophones, we are on track to surpass. You have to know languages \u200b\u200band point, and I think America should be most interested in learning English and, in contrast, do not. And do not criticize the English do not know English (which, incidentally, but needless to say, no more than 15 years ago that we are suffering a lot cobbler for some time).

In short, to paraphrase the saying, you did not see the mote in your neighbor's eye and ignore the plank in your own, then you run the risk of being exposed. And today, Raphael Minder, you have done.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2010 Convertible Boot Mustang

HOW FAR THE EGGS OF THE 11-M? New delivery

[Read this and the opposite view in Malta Bend !]
special edition of El Pais 11-M the same afternoon.
should remember ...

NO . Of course I'm not. It is possible that some (unfortunately a majority) coincides fully with the title. Will be cursing at the moment, imagining that boring story I will tell you today about the 11-M. With a macro trial on his back, people in jail, a PSOE in accordance with the ruling and PP, with few exceptions, has decided to look the other way, those who we hold to our convictions, we are considered every year that passes heavier and more Conspiranoids. Particularly heavy ("Why be quiet now, with 11-M from one side to the other!").

Unfortunately, in Spain there is precedent for events for which a majority believes one thing and one minority finally discovers otherwise. Then, obviously, most ignorant change of boat and whistles to disguise. I speak of the GAL, dark page of our recent history, where we had a terrorist and socialist government involved, the same newspaper that now (El Mundo) investigating the whole case against all odds, and an ending in which everything is uncovered and more of a senior police and political weight is arrested for his misdeeds.
the moment we have the first two ingredients. The third, more difficult to achieve, I am confident that we will finally meet in a few years (hopefully not too much for anyone involved has died and to pay due for the crime committed).
the other day I read an interview with a victim of the 11-M and has given me an idea. Let's be honest, those of you reading this, except the odd, bitch you have no details of the slaughter. You have heard that World lies, but never have read it carefully. Others directly, you plug SER to y. .. well, as has happened to you what happens when you hear talk of suicide bombers Gabilondo nonexistent. That in the end you have a cocoa not believe it and desire to wring Zero seven years after the brain about the intricacies of an attack filled with unknowns in which, moreover, most do not have any family or friends who were victims of same.
They asked a Los Angeles Dominguez, of the Association of Victims Support 11-M, what would you say to those who deem it "conspiracy." The lady with a straight face, I suppose, replied that they would make a few questions, to see if they had answers. And, in case you did not have them, I'd say, the latter might be thinking that maybe if you need to investigate further, that maybe if we have been taken for fools and that we are experiencing one of the worst governments history of Spain, above, came to power through a "coup" that we, asshole, we do not even investigate.
So here is my battery of questions. If all this is new and you get seven years late, do not worry, it's still time to work with the just cause. Know the truth, to assert your rights as a citizen.
· How can you not know who planned and financed the biggest attack in the history of Europe and follow you so quiet?
· How could we have lied about the murder weapon (explosive, in this case), which has been proven to have lied to us, ultimately, we do not know how they killed Two hundred and you follow our compatriots so quiet?
· Have you ever wondered once while they wasted time on trivial things how is it that the evidence of crime, suburban trains, were destroyed and only bring to trial a ridiculous twenty pieces, while any attempt unresolved for years this kind preserved testing pending further inquiries about it?
· If Islamic terrorists were angered by Spain's involvement in the Iraq war, what is your response to all andirons were arrested that peddle drugs and a schizophrenic who dealt with explosives in Asturias (a lot of which, incidentally, police informers)?
· Do you know a trial in which it is shown that some of those who have appeared in it have committed perjury and the judge, without explanation, do not pay for it? Here I must say that, according to the English justice system works, I believe if you tell me what you've already seen. But in the biggest attack in our history?
· Why Prosecution of a democratic country like Spain did not fail to obstacles to that evidence, witnesses and reports on the 11-M and will help to uncover the truth throughout the judicial process?
Anyway, I've written six random questions. Surely not the most alarming, while for those need more time and another person who knew what it's all about (and even if you're one of them, understand that assume that the vast majority are uninformed in excess).
Since I have no room for more, I ask that you read, read and read. "The fourth plot" by José María Paul is a good start. Speak with a Black pawn, too. Some people say that they're geeks, but my respect for people who know cars and rulings on the matter from beginning to pa (literally, and are not cortitos).
yourself warned. In fifty years, when the garbage that have kept under the carpet comes to light and you have gray hair, wrinkles on the face and a grandson, he will ask for these attacks which have just studied in school. So while the dwarf looks you in the eyes, waiting for a wise comment that because of their age has lived these events in person, you can tell how you were of those who tried to know the whole truth from the beginning, that he now learns in school. Or you will have to recognize, much to fuck you, you were a Noob , one more of the many who blindly believed the official version chichinabo or, almost worse, they showed no interest to know the how and why the death of two hundred innocent people. Yourself. I do not look.