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Raphael Minder and how a foreigner should not ever be |
I just read in Digital Freedom an article discussing an earlier turn in digital writing and written New York Times . After take a look at the LD, I have come to the source, lest our poor level of English (this is the article) would have taken its toll also the editor and had not understood very clearly that there say. Painted so serious that I had to make sure.
But no. I've read and miraculously (for some) in LD, as was (irony aside), have been described and highlighted the most important thing that a certain Raphael Minder decided ultimately a day as the March 29, 2011.
As seen, this guy you are commenting on the NYT everything that happens in Spain and Portugal, so I understand that between the Yankees have him as an expert whose opinions matter are to be taken into account. Unfortunately, giving a quick review of your file, it seems more obsessed with criticizing that highlight our many attractions that are sure to be enjoyed now, and if not, forgive me, but idiot. But the sooner we move to what is said above about our country that meets the eye.
says fatal speak English. And over we go out to work you ever seen anything like it! Quote even Richard Vaughan (yes, the "Learn English"), which takes passing by to advertise its TV academy and saying, nothing more and nothing less, that the English we speak today "even worse than 15 years ago English. And it is so wide. Jo I ** s Richard, that if we spoke more to see what you c ** or lived. Plus it's a lie.
At another point, Raphael Minder assumes that the English want to work in New York, then let's clear now that this is only a distant dream. Ajam. I will discuss is my cousin, who was without knowing a word of your language to New York and returned knowing English perfectly ... in fact not a single case. Curious, eh, Raphael?
His other great moment, the irrefutable argument of our dire level of English, is stunned when he tells his countrymen how the English players insisted on mispronouncing the title of the movie "Buried" in Goya. Say no more, Raphael. Have started there ... If Buenafuente not know how to pronounce are lost. Every man for himself.
Well, turn to reply to the writer. What in Spain speaks broken English? Of course. What should we improve? No doubt. What Rajoy and Zapatero have no idea of \u200b\u200bEnglish? And gives quite a pity (that is another of his mega-arguments to highlight what we Scoundrels). Raphael Now tell me, how Bush walked in English? And Obama? Ahh ... do not get around in a word right? I see. And I have to say. Bothers me that a gentleman from New York comes to the misfortunes of Spain tell me that we all know and trying to correct. But it bothers me even more so when it does come from the worst country walks in the first world language, surely. The worst is that they are ridiculously disastrous in language and especially English, even having within its borders to 50 million Latinos who speak English as their native language. That is, more people live in the U.S. who speak English in Spain. Again, in the USA we speak more English than in Spain. The fact is that this does not seem to be enough incentive for the presidents of that country, and most of its people know how to say a word in English. Perfect. Not for me to criticize him. At least not in an article, unless even in a national newspaper and broadcast around the globe such as New York Times. I have no desire or interest in bad place to leave a nation we consider our friends, where I have many friends and would not wish anything bad. Still less to laugh at it or try to leave it free to the height of the bitumen. No, Raphael, and we'll leave that to you.
This guy dares even criticize our accent. Really? "An American criticizing our accent? This must be the world upside down. Also, since when does that matter. I dare say I do not know one person who speaks a language without any accent, unless you have lived there since I was very small. And back to what we could not go to work in USA, I'll tell you already do millions of Hispanics each day and many English who are there taking out the rooms as they can. So bad we speak and with that accent so crappy that we have, we move the United States, France or China like a fish in water. It's something that, frankly, I find it harder to imagine the typical yankee who comes here in summer and returns to his country as it has (thankfully not all are well. I generalized efforts to a minimum, unlike our colleague Raphael). Must be in character. And that British influence so have some of these guys tend to go to light as they set foot outside their territory. A pity, Raphael.
Finally, let it, because I do not want more heat. I was saddened by this article, I would have expected of an Englishman or a Frenchman, but had not imagined such arrogance in a Americanito that take several years writing about Spain (perhaps living or spending long periods here, I know) is believed to the right to ridicule in his moment of glory in the NY Times weekly.
And someone will say "but perhaps not right in what he says?" For in the idea of \u200b\u200bcourse. Spain needs to improve greatly language, not only in English. But do not think it ethical to give lessons in something that you give more trouble yet. Please, anyone who has gone to the United States knows what I mean. I'd settle South America to speak well (for there, at best, teaches English in South America, lest that by any chance speak Castilian escape them properly and a "you"). But even that.
Others will think perhaps that how dare I compare the significance it may have to speak English with the one with the English, and this is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. That reasoning is erroneous, because if we talk only so many people speaking languages, English is the third most widely spoken and as the batteries are not placed Anglophones, we are on track to surpass. You have to know languages \u200b\u200band point, and I think America should be most interested in learning English and, in contrast, do not. And do not criticize the English do not know English (which, incidentally, but needless to say, no more than 15 years ago that we are suffering a lot cobbler for some time).
In short, to paraphrase the saying, you did not see the mote in your neighbor's eye and ignore the plank in your own, then you run the risk of being exposed. And today, Raphael Minder, you have done.
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