Word by word, Chavez crossing that led to the anger of King
Source: Journalism of Truth
This is the transcript verbal clash between the King of Spain, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and President English government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, at the conclusion of the XVII Iberoamerican Summit in Santiago.
-Zapatero: "We are in a table where there are democratic governments that represent their citizens in an American community whose basic principles respect. You can be the opposite of an ideological position, not me that is near former President Aznar, the ex-president Aznar was elected by the English, and I demand, I demand ...
-Chávez: Tell him that respect.
-Zapatero: I demand that you ..., a momentín .. .
-Chávez: Tell the same to him.
"Zapatero: I demand that respect, for one reason, also ...
-Chávez: Tell the same to him, President.
-Zapatero: Of course.
-Chávez: Tell the same to him ...
-King: Why do not you shut up?
-Bachelet: Please do not dialogue, they have had time to present his position, President, finish.
-Chávez: You can be English President Aznar, but it is a fascist and a ...
-Zapatero: President Hugo Chavez, I think there is an essence and that is to respect and to be respected, we must try not to fall in disqualification. You can disagree radically ideas, report the behavior, without being disqualified. What I mean is it's a good way to work understand the benefit of our peoples that we are respected, democratic representatives, and ask-President Bachelet, that's a standard of conduct in a forum that represents the citizens that we respect our leaders, all leaders and former leaders of the countries that make up this community. I think it's a good beginning and I very much hope that this is a code of conduct, because the forms are being to things, and can differ radically from all respect for people, this is the principle so that one can then be respected . I'm sure that the whole table and all Latin Americans want all democratic leaders (...) we are respected, today (Speak Out) and tomorrow, although we disagree deeply about the ideas we have "Applause.
-Chavez: Venezuela's government reserves the right to respond to any aggression, anywhere, in any place and at any pitch.
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