My name is Pedro Almodovar Caballero and I have 61 years. I was born in Calzada de Calatrava, a village of Ciudad Real. I made my first communion and then studied at a college of priests high school. When I finished, I tried to enter Film school, but could not enroll because they had just closed. Finally, after years of effort, I managed to fulfill my dream of becoming a filmmaker. Today, I'm more wrapped all of you reading this, I live in opulence between Hollywood and Cannes. Now I am also the producer and my profits continue to multiply. My way of life, my hobbies and my friends are far from those idealistic Republican civil war, but the shameless I would compare myself with them. During the Franco does not know me any political activity against the dictatorship, but I decided against Franco, socialist and republican when things calmed down a bit with the arrival of democracy.
I am still using demagoguery whenever I want, half Spain criminalized, manipulating the story to my will and would like to return to 1936 ... but I feel no shame about it.
Until when?
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