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see anyone joining a jacket hastily | UPyD
That is no party that I vote or voting in elections is something that I have expressed on several occasions. While pink is not my preferred option politically, I think there are people who deserve to have that game. Socialist decent, or more than the PSOE at least they believe in Spain, albeit in a slightly different than I imagine in my head, but they feel Spain, after all. These are the people who should be in UPyD. For it was founded Rosa Díez, right? Problem, as always. There are elections, there is interest, there are human beings. Human beings when they smell grant votes, seats, lost screws brains. From what we missed. Has happened in every game, how could it not happen in UPyD.
Union, Progress and Democracy wanted to be the party of malcontents. But it all starts to deform. Who says dissatisfaction does not point to any ideology, is not directed to any segment of society in particular. UPyD, in an attempt to gain a foothold in the social and political landscape, he appealed to anyone who dissented from the two major political forces in this country. So far so good. Among the early socialists, apolitical angry, supporters of Rosa Díez, and a group of youngsters who go to the latter is aimed at fashion-cool-hearted alternative to UPyD, now have a number of votes greater than or similar to other groups to often decisive in the political future of this country.
Therefore, in terms of voting, I have no objection but who joined the party? All these people I named above are the Rosa auparon Congress of Deputies and Sosa Wagner wrong to vote to represent the "roses" in Europe. Some colleagues Rosa and friends made up the party leadership. But the rest of candidates and internal positions to be occupied by people and that is where the jackets found accommodation.
jackets And that's what it is? Surely you're wondering one at this very moment. Well, those people who once fought in another party, PSOE or PP generally and at the sight of a gray future in the game in question or to the expulsion of the same for internal guerrillas as dirty, saw their chance of success in UPyD. The shortcut, that so you will always dream of these hyenas of politics. A road to success easy and secure. UPyD, like any party, large bases. So anyone who wants to join UPyD is, in principle, welcome.
But of course, all this that I write here I know better than people with common sense UPyD. They are aware that there is an epidemic of mob (call by name) to try to take advantage of the game so blatant. The other day I drove to four, some propaganda that made pipiolos PP and the National Front in their Facebook accounts. Doubly reprehensible. First, they infringe the rules of this training regarding the prohibition of propaganda of other political forces (seems obvious). Second, because for UPyD internet is like the unions for the PSOE, a pot of votes which can not afford to miss.
So I have stopped, lying, or whatever you call it. They have been caught, finally. How not? I know some of those tainted by scandal. And when I say scandal, I mean the fact of his little shame, not that UPyD not want to know anything about them. I will not say names, and will take the hint that you owe. Simply relate the story of a young man who prided himself in the privacy of being a fascist, sharing the view of Benito Mussolini, whose hatred of everything that was not right was notable and rising as spent their college years. This subject, of zero tolerance, was engaged, and I think still in student politics, and lack of scruples (for him and those around him) not only allowed to join UPyD, as they did, but to ally with student left trying to scrape a vote in college and ended up taking a historic electoral bump (yes, I'm talking about the "fascist" and their lapdogs).
Now he says he resigned in UPyD, where his short career had given him a position of responsibility relative. I do not know the whole story, that only know first hand those who belong to this party. My source on this subject is The World. Now, if anything I'm pretty convinced of is that nobody resigns, least he (or any of his rope), if not vomit splashed all this matter or who wants to get some revenue.
So back again. Tomorrow will see him in another game, on a platform, or a social movimeinto, trying to draw attention in any way. But to no avail. Is mediocre, is a mile peeping their ugly intentions. At the most is that it aspires to have his name appear on a single article on the news that a fellow has written no matter who is whom.
Finally, jackets, party foul. Hopefully we get rid of them one day.
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