As if we did need to rub it in the face, michaeljacksoniana ruling party presidential candidate said his country is to draft "long term" and think of a country "100 years" .
So if we calculate the four years of her husband, all four of her re-election and 2 more they both allow the formation, we have only 24 years. So what's chair Rivadavia be inherited? And we realized that is a shared asset, but I think this is too much.
To make matters worse, as if the " Dr. " (if it actually is a lawyer) had no idea what he's talking, he took the example of generation ' 80 and commended for their country's future planning. Do not you know who they were that were that group? Do not know what country model was that planned? It was she and her husband try to destroy ... Or maybe Argentina's history learned from a book of Prof. Chavez Bolivarian Editorial?
I can not imagine 100 years of ignorance and hooliganism, I can not imagine 100 years of this clan. Am I optimistic or just I have little imagination?