before: his ideas
These are thoughts of Dr. Juan Bautista Alberdi, author of several important works, the "Bases and Starting Points for the Political Organization of Argentina" (1852) and "Economic System and Argentina Confederation allocate revenue according to its Constitution 1853 "(1854). ALBERDI is the father of the glorious FOUNDING CONSTITUTION 1853. Any resemblance to the current administration ... no, not there ... ( extracted Periodismo de Verdad )
selective thinking
1) The merit of the Physiocrats "The eighteenth century European philosophy, so tied to the origins of our American Revolution, gave birth physiocrática school or economists, who flagged for not knowing more source of wealth to the land, but had the merit of freedom to profess the principle of economic policy reacting against the monopolies of any kind. She belongs to the formula that advises governments: let do, let pass, for any intervention in the industry. "
2) THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT "The idea of \u200b\u200ba public industry is absurd and false in its economic base. The industry in its three major modes of production is agriculture, manufacturing and trade, public or private, has no other functions. In any of them to throw the state government have the farmer, manufacturer or merchant, that is, outside its role essentially public and proprietary, which is to legislate, judge and manage "
3) PRIORITY OF CIVIL LIBERTIES "fanaticism not participate inexperienced, if not hypocritical, calling for political freedoms hand over fist to people who only know how to use them to create their own tyrants. But I want unlimited and very abundant for our peoples civil liberties, whose number belong economic freedoms to buy, sell, working, sailing, trading, travel and perform any industry "
4) FREEDOM INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR .. . "Individual freedom is the limit for completion of sacred authority. All crimes against the freedom of man have been committed not only unpunished, but state law on behalf of the Almighty is invoked by the government embracing. External freedom of the motherland is the independence of any foreign country. Internal Freedom is the independence of the individual within their own country. " "The country's external freedom is compatible with the greatest tyranny. Inner freedom (civil and political freedom) literally means absence of all-powerful and omnipotent power in the state and the state government. "
5) LIMITATION OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES ... "The Constitution of Argentina, as all known in the world, saw the rock of freedom, not the abuse of individuals as much as the abuse of power. So it was that before creating the government, outlined in its first part the principles which should serve to limit those powers, as first built, then the power. It was intended to limit, not one but three powers, and thus the power of the legislature and the law remained as limited as the Executive of the same "
6) VALUE OF PROPERTY" The property is mobile and stimulating production, the lure of work, and a term remunerative cares of the industry. The property has no value and attractiveness, not wealth itself, when not inviolable by the law and fact. "
7) economic freedom "essentially civil Economic freedom is freedom to own and have, to work and produce, acquire and dispose of, to force his will, to dispose of his person and his private destinations . The right to work and perform any lawful industry is a freedom that embraces all forms of human production, without which the industry than illegal or criminal, that is, the infringement of freedom of industry to another and the third party right. All the great school of Adam Smith is reduced to prove that free labor is the essential principle of all wealth created. All regulation under the pretext of organizing economic freedom in the exercise, the limits and pregnant, commits a double attack on the Constitution and against the national wealth, that this freedom has its beginning more fruitful "
8) THE INTERVENTION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL "When the Constitution say that Argentina has made freedom and a half of economic output condition, we mean that the Constitution has imposed on the State's obligation not to intervene by restrictive laws and decrees in the course of production or commercial and maritime industry, as in political economy, freedom of the individual and not government intervention are two phrases that express the same fact "
9) AGAINST THE STATE EMPLOYER" Every law, every regulation, every statute, which draws from the hands of individuals the exercise of any of these operations, which are deemed and are industrial by nature in all legislation in the world and making it a monopoly or exclusive service of the state, attacking the freedoms granted by the Constitution, and alters the nature of government whose powers are reduced by the Constitution legislate, to judge and rule, ever to exercise proprietary industries. Not find it in the entire Constitution a provision granting Argentina to any branch of government the power to engage in commerce, agriculture or manufacturing by the State. The government is banker, insurer, auctioneer, entrepreneur means of communication industry and in construction of another kind, out of its constitutional role, and if excluded from these classes to individuals, then, lies with the private law with the Constitution, while throwing the country into poverty and arbitrariness "" The government has been created to make profit but to do justice and has not been created to get rich, but to be the guardian and sentinel human rights, the first of which is the right to work, or is freedom of industry. A trader who has a gun and all state power in one hand, and merchandise in the other, is a monster devouring all industrial freedom, before it all trade is impossible. "
10) THE DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH "To better protect the social order of wealth, the Constitution has chosen Argentina free distribution to the distribution and artificial regulation. The distribution of wealth is operated alone, the more evenly the less you eat the State to impose rules. "
11) THE PROMOTION OF CAPITAL "Not having to use other organic laws means to protect the capital coming from the media indicated by the Constitution itself, it is important to keep in mind what those means designated by the Constitution as the fundamental basis of every law that is relevant to the capital taken as a principle of conservation and increased , and its means of action and application to the production of its benefits. These means of protection, these principles of stimulus, are none other than freedom, security, equality, secured all that, inhabitants or absent from the country, introduce and establish their capital in it. "
12) THE SALARY IS A PRICE: THE MARKET STILL "The Salary is free under the Constitution as the price of labor, its rate depends on the normal laws of the market, and rule by the free will of the parties. No legal or compulsory wage in the eyes of the Constitution, beyond that which is expressly stated by law the parties or the judge's decision based on the current price of labor, when there is controversy. "
13) THE LAW CAN NOT GUARANTEE THE WORK "work to ensure every worker would be as impracticable as ensuring that every seller a buyer, all counsel a client, any physician who is sick, the whole comic, even if detestable, an auditorium. The law could not have that power, but at the expense of liberty and property, because it would need to give it away from each other, and such a law could not exist under the system of a constitution that enshrines for all residents the principles of liberty and property, as essential foundations of the law. "
14) the inequality of fortunes .... "The Constitution itself creates or gives anything: she says of man that man is God's work, its former legislator. God has made all men equal rights, has given some other capacity and inept, thus creating inequality of fortunes, which are the product of the capacity, not the law. The Constitution should not alter the work of God, but expressed and confirmed. Neither was within reach even the fortunes, or his look was one that declared equal rights. "
15) ISSUE WITHOUT BACK ... "While the government has the power to make money with simple strips of paper that no promise or undertake to refund the" absolute power "unalterably as gnawing worm live in the heart of the Constitution itself"
16 ) DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES "There are many ways that can be used with respect to taxes, but they all boil down to two. O requests directly to the taxpayer a portion of their income, or it requires a certain amount of consumption you do with your income, without inquiring his name or mention him. The first is the direct contribution, the other is called indirect contribution. Argentina's Constitution supports two methods of requiring the payment of the contribution, but is inclined to the latter, which is certainly more in keeping with its principles, the interests she has in mind "
17 ) CONTROL OF CHANGES ... "They are in derogation of the freedom of trade laws that restrict the movement of placement and removal currency, being a commodity currency like the others, and that all obstacles opposed to its free extraction is the frustration of a change, to be operated against another product imported from abroad. Such laws are doubly condemned as illiberal as absurd, as contrary to the Constitution and wealth at the same time "
18) THE ROLE OF THE OFFICE" What is the office within the meaning of the Constitution Argentina? . His actual words declare it: a right of import and export, that is, a tax, contribution, proceeds of which contribute to the formation of the Treasury, for the maintenance of the expenses of the Nation. (Articles 4 and 64). Outside of that role and character, the office has no other income in Argentina. Therefore no customs law, the Constitution organic at that point, you can custom a means of protection, much less of exclusion and prohibition, without altering and contravene the clear wording of the Constitution "
Source: "Ideas on Liberty." Nos. 44 (Year XXVI. October 1984. Alberdi selection of writings made by Raúl Oscar Abdala) and 45 (Year XXVII. March 1985) Publication of the Center for Studies on Freedom
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