Revolutionary Mayor were those of Juan Bautista Alberdi
I would not put heavy wear and phrases written only heroes who died nearly 200 years, but reading this really makes me compare these ideas with that handle the rulers of this.
This is a piece of so-called decree of suppression honors, rendered famous by the 1st meeting. The decree was the mastermind of Mariano Moreno, perhaps the most radical revolutionary who had the emancipation movement. After reading it will think: Revolutionaries were before ...
"... our citizens have been temporarily placed its authority in nine men, at 4 º Neither the President nor any other individuals of the Board in particular to be considered as public, nor will entourage, escort, or device that distinguishes them from other ciudadanos.quienes never upset flattery and who swear by the most sacred, that is venerated on earth, having failed to enter into their hearts to a single thought of ambition or tyranny : But we said again that the people must not merely to be fair, but must be treated, what we necessarily .[...]"
8 th is prohibited all toast, live, or public acclaim for private individuals to the Board. If they are fair, live in the hearts of his countrymen: they do not appreciate mouths, which have been desecrated with praise of tyrants. [...]
9 º No could be provided but for the homeland, their rights, for the glory of our arms, and general objects relating to the public happiness. [...]
10 Everyone, which provides for any particular individual of the Board, be banished for six years. [...]
see, was to avoid being given much importance to one person. Thus even before defining a model of republican government, and it was clear that the greatest enemy of freedom of the Rio de la Plata was tyranny.
200 years later is given super powers to ministers, is seeking re-election an unlimited amending constitutions or even take into account the existence of a constitution, crudely skipping to stand as governor of a province for 3 consecutive periods (for which not know, the author of that gem of contempt for the principle of alternation is Nestor Kirchner, governor of Santa Cruz for 3 consecutive terms).
Everything suggests that instead of going forward, going backward. We have an opportunity in October to at least halt the decline. After that we push hard, for events to run this huge machine call Argentina.
If you have time to enter the link where the original article. Not wasted
[Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1810-1821), cit., P (711): The Gazette for the December 8, 1810.]
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