This they see to my right is the poster advertising the demonstration on Saturday was held in Madrid in favor of the Republic, the third, implemented someday. If While not give up in their attempt to be more than a handful of homesick, they are seen as too duster that this could come to any port (thankfully).
First, do not stop using the Republican flag of the Second Republic. This already creaking with the message of modernity that seek to give. I think most English do not want to travel seventy years in time, either for good or for evil, as in this case.
But while the tricolor flag is not the worst of his failures and could be attributed to purely symbolic reasons, we make it clear that no apology is worth and that the organizers and attendees at the same have very clear objectives.
- Stop the capitalist crisis.
The first thing that comes to mind is what hell is about his apparent hatred of capitalism with a system republican government. Nothing, I tell you. One should know better why the demonstration, not to go there and get a surprise naively.
Therefore, the slogan should have been "On the 3 rd Republic Anticapitalista" .
- Stop the Bourbon monarchy.
is important to stress that their intention is not to end the constitutional monarchy in Spain but drive out the Bourbons. Let me clarify me, "but they did not want to have another republic? It is understood that they would not mind if you take to a monarchy Juancar and the rest of his family and appoints the Duchess of Alba, or some other noble as the King or Queen of Spain.
clarified this point, the theme would change again, then being "On the 3 rd Republic or a Monarchy not Anticapitalista Bourbon" .
- Finding a job, democracy and social rights.
This third claim is that the English left is known as "ask what already exists to make it appear that there is and so we were as good and others as bad." Sometimes this tactic is also used in reverse to protest situations and injustices exist, so it looks like there, in this way they seek to appear as the only ones who care for citizens.
This time, again, have been exposed. First, if there is democracy and would all be in jail manifest in the street by their political views. Social rights, and there is more to travel to other countries to prove this. And on the job, true that ZP is putting every effort to work no more than his own in Spain, but I promise to all the protesters that we send home as this character, the situation begin to improve as already occurred fourteen years ago.
- Settle the constitution "undemocratic" in 1978.
do not like the present constitution, and then I do not know how they want social rights, democracy and labor. But who has written this booklet! It is undemocratic, they say, or so screaming while without any problems manifest themselves in the capital of your country, vote for who they want, etc. Also do not propose any other constitution (that weird, just complain ...). We shall assume that their idyllic country would not have a constitution or in an attempt to interpret their thoughts, you may wish it to be valid as ever, the constitution of the Second Republic and its flag.
said, the slogan suffer a new change. The sentence would then "On the 3 rd Republic or a Monarchy not anticapitalist and Aconstitucional Bourbon / With the establishment of the 2 nd Republic" .
- Get popular sovereignty and self-determination of peoples.
Instead of going back to explain why call "popular sovereignty" that we have in Spain, I refer to what is said in paragraph 3 on "Achieving social rights ,...".
As the struggle for self determination of peoples, is a fine way of expressing their desire that each autonomous region can do what he wants without all another nation, the English, oh coincidence! consists of millions of people living in each of these regions, has nothing to say in the matter.
An inconsistency comes to mind. How many republics want then? A? "Many, one in each" town self-determined "independent?" One that eventually disappears, as all have been self-determining peoples Paulato?
Go chaos ... The fact is that the slogan should be changed once again, I promise it is the last.
This transformation ultimately leave the slogan like this:
"On the 3 rd Republic or a Monarchy not Bourbon Anticapitalista and Aconstitucional / With the establishment of the 2 nd Republic in which each member of the nation's people English may become independent without worrying about what they think about the remaining 95% of the population "
Now. Spread the message. This is the third republic, which many want. Luckily that are not so many as they say. What danger are still some ...
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