Saturday, December 15, 2007
How Do You Tell The Difference Between An Ingrown
expropriated in the name of equality of the people netizens to: IN VOCE
Monday, December 3, 2007
How Much Do People Charge For Xanax
already know the groups that have fallen in different selections for the contention of the first phase of the next European Championships so you can start to analyze what will happen in this competition that surprisingly for many is the absence of the England squad. On paper and based on their technical level the clear favorites are Spain, France and Portugal.
The absence of England shows that if you do not work well tactically, a selection of a technical level than the rest can be eliminated as a surprise. In the case of the selection of these deficiencies were so obvious as for example, the tendency to use as a playmaker Joe Cole hit the band when indoors (in theory more players own band) and lampard Guerrard and they tended to place usually center on the game systems that are not the best example of compatibility, or the use of pairs of forwards who are particularly compatible as little as rooney and owen.
In group A, we find selections Switzerland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Turkey. Is a group of the 3 major technical level selections, one of which in recent years has established itself as a major power and became the favorite of the previous Euro and a strong bet for the past many analysts world although now in hours rather low as is the Czech Republic, Switzerland host is selected in recent years has improved a lot as evidence of this is the good Euro 2004 and 2006 that made global good and last a Turkey that is not what it was in 2002 and retains a good number of players in this stage are no longer in his prime. In theory must pass to the next round Portugal accompanied by Switzerland for hosting and having an increasing level in recent years, despite its place at the crossing seems to be dispute with the Czech Republic and Turkey should not seem to represent many problems for any of these selections
In group B, we find Austria, Croatia, Germany and Poland. Germany is always a safe bet even if one of the worst teams in its history as has been the standard pattern in recent years. Croatia have made a brilliant run-up so you should go to the intersections, as well as being a team has worked very well enough quality. Poland is presented as the alternative to these, has also done a very good run-up but has no such quality as selection Balkans. Austria, despite being the host for football level, is apparently the "Cinderella" of the entire tournament, so it should be final.
The group C is clearly the most complex and highest level with teams such as Holland, Italy, Romania and France, ie a priori selection of each drum stronger except the third which was the strongest with teams like Spain, Germany, Portugal and Romania before the draw that many thought could be surprise of the tournament. I would say that French is a selection "I can and do not want" because it has a much higher level than the rest, but their approaches are overly defensive tactical, asymmetrical (bands present in one end and a playmaker like that as a playmaker Ribery is is not wide player), is a veteran over selection (which can play in your favor, but against him), however should pass the group stage. Italy is the great enigma, by tradition has passed, but in Italy the story is a powerful weapon, before the World Cup we were confident that many would be winning because "behind every great football scandal Italian, a triumph of your choice "and behind a large selection of the world is usually a mediocre Championship by suggesting that in view of the group that has could be excluded, however a good league final and that implied cassano that plays the euro, could be a very in favor of this sneak peek. Holland's theory is that should remain third in the group, but I see they have very clear ideas and I see a clear decline, have traditionally had a very definite game system, "WW", but in recent games seems to have forgotten giving up his trademark, football for the ends to accommodate the system to van der Vartan (the the most talented player of all selected), Seedorf (probably the best player in the entire selection and a true veteran and for that reason. He missed the last World Cup) and Sneijder (the youngest of 3 and a player too Van Basten's liking) without giving the figure of half say static defense, which is the last one is the most defensive in the tip of the diamond when Seedorf has reached half defensive play and Sneijder in theory it is, to the use of this system without extreme injuries have helped robben and van persie, the most common in this river. Romania if it were in a group so complicated, you could bet on it as a surprise for this competition, but above about Italy and Holland could give, but this is very complicated.
Group D with Greece, Sweden, Spain and Russia. Spain, a priori must pass smoothly through their technical, tactical level but leaves many questions, but many, if not more in a group so affordable it would be a candidate for the negative surprise of the tournament. Sweden level, should go too, but selection is a clear decline since its level has dropped too much is a very short space of time (probably the weakest of the group), at the tactical level I am concerned the role of Kallstrom, when you play in band does when it clearly is a playmaker and is the best team player along with Ibrahimovic and Elmander. Greece, despite being the current champion is the selection with the poorest level of the whole group, and it is a very practical choice since they live on the effectiveness of its defense and its backlash that is what most will agree view of his poor technical level, to Spain for his type of game can give you many problems and that his defense is close. Russia is a clear candidate to be a surprise, since in recent years the Russian football has grown a lot, football is a bit like Mexico as the economic level it is often retain their top talent and attract good players out, also have good team players, are assisted Guus Hiddink's national teams that has proven to be a great coach.
Spain at the tactical level I am very concerned for not knowing to play. No one knows if it's played with one or two strikers, if played with two not the best example of compatibility (villa and towers) and if played with one will not be the best person to do as a lone striker in a team that presupposes offensive. Aragon seems to bet by the misnomer of "gamers", since what has always been understood by "gamer" (although not gave him this name) were the ends to be characterized by the overflowing players, the so-called "gamers" just overflow two, Iniesta and Silva and ends have little, since they are clearly attacking midfielders; of the bet by players such I worry that give a lot of ball possession, but little clarity in the final meters and more when playing without center forward (an example of what you get is the array of last season while playing for adebayor henry), and Greek teams close much and to those people with computers is essential overflow capacity if you really want to win, so does the football is a sport of specialists and this way of playing is in contradiction with this fact. Another thing that worries me is that Aragon shows not know that a front end is a long overdue because it tends to align so that one end required. It is a physically weak team at least in general, which is a major drawback.
In conclusion, we can classify as favorites to Germany, Portugal, France and Italy, as potential surprises Switzerland, Croatia and Russia. In Spain not encapsulated in either category, since by their tactical level and its history (the teams with great tradition tend to have better technical and tactical level to Germany or Italy) I can not be considered favorites, and a selection Spain coach level it can not be considered as a surprise.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Weber Old Spanish Paintings
Source: Journalism of Truth
This is the transcript verbal clash between the King of Spain, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and President English government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, at the conclusion of the XVII Iberoamerican Summit in Santiago.
-Zapatero: "We are in a table where there are democratic governments that represent their citizens in an American community whose basic principles respect. You can be the opposite of an ideological position, not me that is near former President Aznar, the ex-president Aznar was elected by the English, and I demand, I demand ...
-Chávez: Tell him that respect.
-Zapatero: I demand that you ..., a momentín .. .
-Chávez: Tell the same to him.
"Zapatero: I demand that respect, for one reason, also ...
-Chávez: Tell the same to him, President.
-Zapatero: Of course.
-Chávez: Tell the same to him ...
-King: Why do not you shut up?
-Bachelet: Please do not dialogue, they have had time to present his position, President, finish.
-Chávez: You can be English President Aznar, but it is a fascist and a ...
-Zapatero: President Hugo Chavez, I think there is an essence and that is to respect and to be respected, we must try not to fall in disqualification. You can disagree radically ideas, report the behavior, without being disqualified. What I mean is it's a good way to work understand the benefit of our peoples that we are respected, democratic representatives, and ask-President Bachelet, that's a standard of conduct in a forum that represents the citizens that we respect our leaders, all leaders and former leaders of the countries that make up this community. I think it's a good beginning and I very much hope that this is a code of conduct, because the forms are being to things, and can differ radically from all respect for people, this is the principle so that one can then be respected . I'm sure that the whole table and all Latin Americans want all democratic leaders (...) we are respected, today (Speak Out) and tomorrow, although we disagree deeply about the ideas we have "Applause.
-Chavez: Venezuela's government reserves the right to respond to any aggression, anywhere, in any place and at any pitch.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Candy Themed Invitation Wording
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Outdoor Basketballcourts Nj

received the endorsement Blogger's Day Saturday by Roark, one of the "owners" blog "Goodbye State." My sincere thanks to you and I repeat: I admire anyone who likes to write what I think and I generated a huge satisfaction. I hope to continue along the same path.
The rules are:
1 .- Write a post showing a photo of the Day Blogger Award, citing the blogger name you give it away.
2 .- Choose a minimum of seven blogs you deem to be important for some reason or you like and a brief description. Enter the name, link and advise them of the move.
3 .- (Optional). Show the award to your blog.
My blogger of the day are:
I do not think : That Joseph Benegas already have a collection of these awards is no accident. Able to analyze the reality of Argentina and very few do, this blog tells you with a touch of irony in the continuing assaults on individual liberty to the subject you're seeing.
The Pasquini : Always with a particular mood, is showing a very interesting practical analytical skills and gives excellent views with a very own style. It is time for Rudy to take the hint ...
Alberdianos : If we consider the name of the blog and also make clear that its author is Ricardo Lopez Göttig immediately understand the great value of their items. This same blogger also has two other blogs captive: Thinking in the third century and free Tibet.
The Place I'll Return To Someday : With a keen eye for reality, FZeroX always makes a point own view as a liberal. Writes very well when he has to write and choose well when you get to choose.
noogies: A blog that met less than two weeks and, after finding him I was sorry because he had no idea of \u200b\u200bits existence before. Impossible to categorize, conspiracy noogies art, sex, politics and philosophy in a completely transgressive, each article or image distill an axiom that, from what I could deduce, the author of the blog and feel like himself: "We are free! "
Argenlibre: is a blog of which I am partner and supporter of the party they voted the Sunday. The idea to open it to other bloggers is very good and necessary to sow the seeds of freedom in Argentina.
He believes compulsive : In a fun mix of opinions out this blog that, as its name implies, writes compulsively about everything and everyone.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Lab 6 Diffusion Answers
finally arrived on 28 October. What happens today will remain a mystery at least until tonight.
presidential elections to be held today are undoubtedly the most important that we had since returning to democracy, as not only choose a president for 4 years but a whole country model. Today
choose if we want to continue living under the wing of a powerful state with an oppressive tax system, high levels of welfarism, alarming crime rates and inflation that undermines our pockets and our everyday moral or choose to change. The question would be: Change to what?
The immediate pursuers of Queen Kristina are worthy of fear, not for her and for us.
On the one hand we have Carrio, whom no one doubts his good intentions or his moral strength, but his interventionist ideas are frightening to those who seek progress in our country.
On the other hand appears Lavagna, both or more intrusive than the first, but with much more dubious motivations Lilith. This man was in the presidential overnight, never wanted to sit down and talk with other members of the opposition and raised money for the campaign and party structures so quickly that many, including myself included, think it is a agent of the ruling party to further divide the opposition.
But will they be worse than Kristin? The answer is a resounding NO, as the major defects of the presidential couple and their followers are not only his vocation controlling the market but a strong moral relativism, a tendency to hegemony and power a great contempt for the Constitution alberdiano spirit. Carrie
know we should not expect similar behavior, and that his vocation is as Republican a slight sympathy aroused among liberals fear despite economic decisions.
Instead of Lavagna not know what to expect, is called a strong character, inflexibility in negotiating and vast knowledge of economics, being a fan of the failed Keynesian school. On its formation its continuous ideological statements that relate to its inclination Peronist frighten all who recognize in this movement to the concrete block which joined at the foot of the country since the middle of last century.
But I think Lavagna could not amass the political power necessary to be a new Nestor in only 4 years since the current candidate for first lady was in its infancy with the device duhaldista-Lavagna also inherit-but without internal auditors thing that the former minister if he will from the ranks of the UCR and from a very pluralistic Congress. And there is this unholy alliance between the two probably would be destroyed if the ONE candidate prevails in the elections as the alliance destroyed Kirchner, Duhalde.
Rodriguez Saa Sobish López Murphy and remain far behind to be taken into account, as well as many left-leaning lists were presented.
In the countdown to a decision that can change our lives we can only appeal to good sense or the anger of Argentines who need a change. But real change. Here's to the runoff. Give me. Chin chin.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Brazillian Wax Memphis Tn
As one reads the news about national politics arise different kinds of reactions. But to certain comments of the bureaucrats in power can only say two things: "This is a fool" or "this is rubbish." There is also the conjunction of two statements: "This garbage is a moron" and vice versa ...
The trash idiot in this particular case would Anibal Fernandez, who in a note to The Nation criticized a judge for a ruling that the law was enforced simply .
What is this?
A judge approved the sale of alcoholic beverages over 18 years in the prom.
What's so weird, if the law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages only to those under 18 ?
For the rulers of a civilized country at all, but apparently the members of Power National Executive representatives believe that the judiciary not to judge according to the laws enacted by the legislature but according to the sensationalist approach of the day.
The big question I have is if a public official can be so ignorant to claim that a court ruling to the contrary to the dictates of the law. For more than a yes tempts me enough, to read between the lines the message of the minister, I realize where is the message: The Legislature and the Executive is not only unnecessary but also counterproductive. The only able to act quickly in favor of "our kids" are they, the messianic leaders elected by us in the elections more "important" or "media" while the others are mere obstacles to their task purification.
In a republican country if the interior minister was against the sale of alcohol at parties of graduates would join a group of legal advisers to formulate a bill to raise the conference and hope the Argentine people through their representatives agree with his position.
But in a banana republic like this, the minister out in the media showing his instinct patoteril and insults and demeans a member of another power and indirectly minimizes the importance of remaining.
's reading the average man, ignorant on the rights and duties by the same education you received or because the daily problems you CEGAN eyes, face situation like this is simple: The judges and legislators only serve to waste time. With these actions only demonstrated that the centralization of power is the ultimate goal of the gang that rules us. And each time they are closer.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Sore Gland In Neck After Virus
Harnessing the break of 2 weeks for item selection and classification for the Euro but without being able to watch all the games and players that I would or I would have liked, I decided to rewrite something, you been much, yet very little to explain this last summer, and it's happened pretty quickly, last year was a year for the boring Italian football (especially if your team is not Inter or Milan) , but this year promises, promises a lot, I have 7 days and the table above is exciting.
few months ago denounced the fact that embers league coming less because hardly mattered level players from abroad and that clearly affected the level of the clubs and therefore the league in comment "The class is not buying" , the summer of 2007 there have been some pretty good and cheaper transactions.
Anyway here we see a graphic indicating that in Spain and England have spent almost twice as significant data, but that does not make the Serie A is left behind the Premier or the LFP is always there, I would highlight notable casualties: Muntari from Udinese Portsmouth, Bojinov from Fiorentina to ManCity, of course not forgetting me and 3 scorers Italian, Rolando Bianchi, Reggina the ManCity, Luca Toni from Fiorentina to Bayern Munchen and Livorno's Cristiano Lucarelli to Shakhtar.
But the decline that most infuriates me is that of Giuseppe Rossi to English League, a potential young talent, which helped the salvation of Parma last year, of all the forms belonged to Manchester United, and which would have to have returned, but the 12 million payment by Villarreal, ANY Italian club should have opted for it.
teams have gone down low and budget as Ascoli and Messina (also Chievo), and have risen 3 classics of Italian league to make more competitive the league (all 3 are in the top 10 right now), Naples, Genoa and Juventus, the table is clearly divided into 3:
those who fight for the Scudetto and the Champions League (4 th place),
media zone table fighting for uefa,
and struggling to avoid relegation.
In my opinion is as follows (although logically then there will be surprise or revelation teams):
Group 1: Inter, Roma, Milan, Fiorentina, Juventus, Palermo.
Group 2: Udinese, Sampdoria, Napoli, Lazio, Torino, Atalanta, Genoa.
Group 3: Parma, Empoli, Catania, Reggina, Cagliari, Livorno, Siena.
Palermo could be also in the second group, the case is that the championship has started off badly, obviously not as good as the past, but it has enough staff to fight for fourth place with Juventus and Fiorentina, very nice Mourning is the that can be seen between Juventus and Fiorentina because of their historic rivalry, Fiorentina Toni no longer has, and can no longer rely on him, but Prandelli has designed a great block, even higher than the last 2 years where he made 2 great seasons, now I think Fiorentina can beat almost any larger. I believe that despite Milan to his slow start may be in the top 4, and Inter and Roma is almost impossible not to occupy 2 of the 4 top places in the table. That leaves the above Fiorentina, Juventus and Palermo champions challenge for a spot.
Torino despite their poor start where he has won a victory until the seventh day, precisely against the former team of Walter Novellino, Samp, should be there, and I see much higher staff to Livorno and Siena, to give two examples clubs in the third clique. Atalanta Genoa
and could also be in the third group rather than in the second, when teams seem quite irregular and that is why I do not see that will have many problems to be saved.
Another heap of things, we first coach fired, Fernando Orsi of Livorno, months after his hiring (mid season).
Saample Community Service Letters
1-Alessandro Rosina - Torino : "Rosinaldo" attacker SUV has power, speed, flooding, imagination and quality, despite the assortment of good attackers which has the Toro, Di Michelle, Alvaro Recoba, Nicola Ventola and Sasa Bjelanovic, Rosina del Toro is 10, the star, the young hero, the one where to look when things go as they should.
Baggio, obviously there will only one, but in the next 10 years that most similar in terms of talent and imagination will he and Giuseppe Rossi, in my opinion.
2-Ricardo Montolivo - Fiorentina : Lately Italy is so in need of quality players and technical (and more after that Totti has made the selection), type Trequartista that perhaps inflated by the few who stand out, but Montolivo, despite not starting Fiorentina undisputed, is proving to be of the best young talents in the Italian league.
3-Ezequiel Ivan Lavezzi - Napoli : never saw him play with San Lorenzo de Almagro, and Napoli in just a couple of games this season, where he has 4 goals, so far looks like a pretty quality striker, and of course, in Naples they could not miss his comparisons with the great Diego Armando Maradona, but it certainly avoids this comparison and wants to go step by step, has already been called by the Coco to be international with Argentina.
4-Pasquale Foggia - Cagliari : I heard through the mouths of fans Messi Milan is the Italian, of course, never reached that level or anything like that, just wanted to highlight this comment to imply the type of player he is, a typical hybrid between playmaker and end this now so fashionable, like the Argentine of Barcelona.
For this fifth place was between Alberto Aquilani and Goran Pandev, but both we can see in the champions this year, and the latter, despite his youth has been many years in Italy to demonstrate its potential. I finally decided on:
5-Edison Cavani - Palermo : Front Uruguayan Italian descendants to follow this season, was signed by Palermo in the middle of last season and has hardly had opportunities because of fierce competition from Amauri and Miccoli, a lesion of these would open the door to ownership, for now minutes only played 8 games, where he got two goals.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Emblem Pokemon Guild Ragnarok

Infobae Hand in hand with these awards came to Argentina and learned of its existence by a blog regularly to read and comment occasionally. The blog is "I do not think " and is one of the most visited independent news sites and respected, both due to his information as the opinions expressed by its creator, Joseph Benegas .
What surprised me was that the organizers of the Golden @ La Argentina rejected the blog named above. I also learned through "I do not think" who rejected another very good blog called "Compulsive He thinks."
I guess the main criteria for this award to be so crowded with work, could not be paying much attention to both blogs. So I guess, as Double V was ACCEPTED in the contest (my sincere thanks), will be under monitoring. In that case I ask for this post to the judges of the prize for scuttle any kind of suspicion in which they are branded as official or subordinate to the system again to check out the sites mentioned above, surely they will realize that these blogs there is nothing like pornography or the terrorist propaganda or find any other inducement to reject them. From already thank you for your time.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Colorado Soccer Camps

The legend of the famous English goalkeeper was from the fourteenth century, a source of inspiration for poets, writers, musicians, writers, filmmakers, etc. . With the advent of socialism in the world scene, Robin was also taken as an icon of it, as it saw it as a kind of romantic medieval Che Guevara, this situation came to lead in the era of McCarthyite paranoia stupid book that recounted the stories of the hero of the hood was banned in the U.S..
At this time, and having read or listened to more of a Marxist or Kirchner repeated her favorite book was The Adventures of Robin Hood to consider whether I set the book in question deserves the worship of these characters and I started asking me some questions and arriving at certain conclusions, expressed below.
Your task was to steal from the rich to give to the poor? The answer is yes. But is this character (fictional or real, nobody knows for sure) a bastion of revolutionary communism? would be a matter of breaking down characters, institutions and situations in this story and similar to this, because the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are terms that hitherto did not exist in the imagination of the magician Merlin (which incidentally, has nothing to do in this story) Robin of Locksley ambushed
nobles and clergy to take over their belongings and then distributed them among the commoners. If the time machine (Or to give life to fictional characters) exist, and we bring it to the XXI century Argentina, some argue that the hooded fools would dock industries and companies to share their bounty with the needy, now function performed by the State through kirchneriano taxes and restrictions. Analyzing
the situation well, Robin Hood stole from people unproductive and corrupt institutions instead of getting their money, goods and other luxuries made him work through taxation to expropriation that really worked, whether they farmers or artisans - and also any restrictions imposed trade Is the situation seems familiar?
So what role do you arrogaríamos the character in question in our reality? Let's review: You should steal from the unproductive to wield power, reached by maneuvering through dark and who gained their wealth by using state coercion to really produce. The answer is clear: Robin Hood would have on his office door a gold plaque with the inscription:
Robin of Locksley
Public Accountant
Incidentally, instead of bows and arrows would use tax returns and financial statements misrepresented and his enemies list would be formed by Prince Nestor, La Reina Cristina, El Sheriff Moreno and countless lackeys troupe as vile as these, but have no ability or opportunity to be a privileged place among the supervillains in office.
historical revisionism, which they say ...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Denise Milani Race Track
Martin Niemoeller, (1892 - 1984) German Protestant Pastor
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent
because I wasn'ta communist
When jailed the social democrats, I remained silent
because I was not social,
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak
because I wasn'ta trade unionist
When they came for the Jews,
not speak,
because I wasn'ta Jew
When they came for, no one was
but could protest.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bath Fan Motion Sensor Switches
By Belén Iannuzzi
wrote scripts and was a columnist Antonio Gasalla both Mariano Grondona as Mario Pergolini. Says the media only show a reality and that equality does not exist.
psychological manipulation from the media?
I do not believe at all in the manipulation hypothesis. I think it's a typical scenario of progressive ignorance.
The case of television is very clear: television is dominated by the mass and not the masses on television. The idea that you can sell anything and you can appeal to anyone with anything is false. Chance literary evenings spend time football to see if you have many advertisers. Express a reality means.
And why there is this idea?
The truth is that the masses are rough, not because all people are dumb but because the amount produced in a mass causes each individual to lose their own characteristics, lose their reality.
The notion of "people" is always fascist is a way in which individuals lose their reality, they lose their differences, their specificity and become rational beings, anonymous, believed, led to a rational and political utility, which may seem very noble but in the concrete and made a mess, it deprive itself each of its potential for development.
I do not start from the basis of equality, people are not all equal and the difference is not democratic: we are all equal and worth all the same; there are people who are better than others, some people are more capable than others. And this has to do with what you can do, what you can feel, what you can invent, what you can live.
What is the "pobrismo?
is an idea I came up with for an article, is the culture of poverty, ie the belief that poverty is a value.
Many think that "if you have no money, is good. If one has money, is bad. The rich are bad, the poor are good. Why is poor is poor? Because it's good. " But being poor is not be good, being poor is being poor.
If we want to ensure that there is less poverty we have to destroy the romanticized, pure, religious and transcendent of poverty, as if being poor was the result of not being traded to the horror of the sensual world and mercantilist.
In my view, be rich (or stop being poor) is to be able to exchange sensual reality. This implies wealth, both material sense. Wealth is therefore a nice gesture as a cell phone. And both are related and belong together.
What is the role of an intellectual in society?
I believe that if an intellectual is not mixed with the world and talk about things that happen and says what he sings and encouraged to say things that in principle does not seem very consistent, if not done, an intellectual of no avail. If you do not want to live broadcasts and displays an affirmative view of reality, is useless. It is a manifestation of poverty, since it is not up to life, the exuberance of life. An intellectual is an artist of ideas, of consciousness.
Many scholars believe that their intelligence is manifested in showing contempt for everything. It is important to express and benches the consequences. When you express destroys the illusion that everyone will love what you do, but it is the best thing to happen.
Many people write me saying I am a fascist. I believe that today fascism is left, no more reactionary position than the left. Society progresses, the left does not.
What books would you recommend someone?
Your Erroneous Zones, by Wayne Dyer, The Antichrist, Friedrich Nietzsche and Change. Formation and resolution of human problems, by Paul Watzlawick.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What Happens With Gioblastoma

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sample Community Service Letters Of Completion
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Cost For Concrete Basketball Courst
If what he said Urgent 24 on this meeting is true, I finally see a little light to end of the tunnel: Lopez Murphy and Carrie, the only respectable candidate, but with different ideas, thinking they would form a single list. What would come of this? Perhaps a strange chimera similar to that losing Democratic Union Perón created to beat back in the '50s. Or perhaps a solid and winning combination of concepts and wills as the Chilean Coalition, created to defeat Pinochet in the one applied a socialist vision without leaving the market economy.
Will this alliance be? In my opinion the main problem to agree these two figures would be their relatives and that the ARI converge much more orthodox socialist groups as economic its presidential candidate. But personally, I think that the affinity of both for a democratic and republican system is stronger than their differences in economic, since it claimed to be Lilita "... liberal for the country, socialist distribution of wealth ... " , which is much more than what President Kirchner and Lavagna could say the same as they did in separate steps was just the opposite.
hope that comes to fruition, as the real opposition is very far indeed in the polls and make the First Lady does not get 40 points in the election seems increasingly difficult, especially when the elected Head of Government Maurio Macri refuses to give his support to recreate. This, however, soon will be the subject of analysis. We all have our own work in this company and from now on are left to write to those who write and talk to those who speak. And pray for those who pray.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
How Do I Get Radio Shack Receipt
now posting an excerpt of the speech that Reagan gave when he became President of the United States. So simple, so basic ... almost to kindergarten. I know that most Argentines do not like nice U.S., let alone Republicans, but someone tell me if it is not the speech we'd like to hear from our new president:
Senator Hatfield, Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. President, Vice President Bush, Vice President Mondale, Senator Baker, Speaker O'Neill, Reverend Moomaw, and compatriots.
For a few of us here today this is a solemn and memorable occasion, and yet in the history of our nation, is something that occurs normally. The orderly transfer of authority, as established by the Constitution, takes place as has happened for nearly two centuries and few of us stop to think how unique we really are. In the eyes of many in the world, this four-year ceremony we accept as normal is nothing but a miracle.
Mr. President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to keep this tradition. By virtue of our gracious cooperation in the transition process, you've taught a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater extent than any other and I thank you and your team for all their help in maintaining the continuity which is the bulwark of our Republic. The affairs of our nation goes forward. These United States face an economic affliction of great proportions. Suffer the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history. It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes savings and bankruptcy to the struggling young and retirees alike. Threatens to destroy the lives of millions of our people. Industries
send idle workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity. For those who do work are denied a fair reward for their labor with a tax system that penalizes success and prevents maintain full productivity.
But great as our tax burden, has not kept pace with our spending. For decades, we have accumulated a deficit after another, mortgaging our future and the future of our children for the temporary convenience of the present. To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social upheaval, cultural, political and economic.
You and I, as individuals can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but only for a limited time. Why, then, should think that collectively as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation? We must act today in order to keep tomorrow. And let there be no mistake: we will begin to act, beginning today.
The economic woes have loomed upon us over several decades. Not disappear in days, weeks or months, but disappear. Disappear because we as Americans have the capacity now, as we had in the past, to do whatever it takes to do to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. The government is the problem. Occasionally, we have been tempted to think that society has become too complex to be managed by self-government, that government by an elite group is superior to government for and by people. But if none of us is capable of governing himself, who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, within and outside government, must bear the weight. The solutions we seek must be equitable, without pointing to a group to pay the higher price.
hear much about interest groups. Our concern should be directed to an interest group that has been neglected for too long. It knows no boundaries sectoral or ethnic or racial divisions, and across political lines. It consists of men and women who grow our food, patrol our streets, working in our mines and our factories, teach our children, care for our homes and heal us when we are sick, professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, managers, taxi drivers and truckers. They are, in short, "We the people", the people known as Americans.
Well, the goal of this administration will be a healthy, vigorous, growing to offer equal opportunities to all Americans without barriers encountered racism or discrimination. Back to put America back to work means putting all Americans to work. Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs. We must all take part in the productive work of this "new beginning" and we all sharing the spoils of a revitalized economy. With the idealism and justice that are the heart of our system and our strength, we have a strong and prosperous America at peace with itself and the world.
So, as we begin, let us take inventory. We are a nation that has a government, not vice versa. And this makes us special among the nations of the earth. Our government has no power except that granted the people. It is time to correct and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed.
is my intention to restrict the size and influence of the Federal and demand recognition the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the states or people. We all need to remember that the Federal Government did not create the States, the States created the Federal Government.
To avoid misunderstandings, my intention is not to rid the state. It is, however, make it work, to work with us, not us, who is on our side, not ride on our backs. The state can and must provide opportunity, not smother, promoting productivity, not suppress it.
If you look at the answer to why, for so many years, we therefore prospered as no other people on Earth, it is because here in this land, we free the energy and genius of individual men more than it had ever done. Freedom and dignity of the individual have been more affordable here than in any other place on Earth. The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never refused to pay that price.
It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and proportional to the invention and intrusion in our lives resulting from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. It is time we realize that we are a nation too great to limit ourselves to small dreams. We are not condemned, as some would have us believe, inevitable decline. I I do not believe in a fate that will hover over us whatever we do. I believe in a fate that will hover over us if we do nothing. So, with all the creative energy at our disposal, let us begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope.
We have every right to dream heroic. Those who say we live in a time when there are no heroes do not know where to look. You can see heroes every day going and coming from the factory gates. Others, a handful, produce enough food to feed all of us and foreigners. You may find you with heroes across the counter, on both sides. There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity. They are individuals and families whose taxes support the government and whose voluntary donations keep the church, charitable foundations, culture, art and education. Their patriotism is quiet but deep. Their values \u200b\u200bsustain our national life.
I used the word "them" and "their" in speaking of these heroes. I could say "you" and "your" because I am addressing the heroes of whom I mean: you, the citizens of this blessed land. Your dreams, your hopes, your goals will be the dreams, hopes, goals of this administration, with the help of God.
will reflect the compassion that is an important part of our way of being. How can we love our country and not love our fellow citizens and love them, offer your hand when they fall, heal them when they are sick, provide opportunities for them self to be equal in fact and not just in theory? [...]
In the days ahead, I will propose removing the roadblocks that have slowed our economy and reduced our productivity. Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government. Progress may be slow, measured in inches and feet and not miles, but it will progress. It's time to wake up again to industrial giant, to return to government affairs, and lighten our punitive tax system. And these are our top priorities and, on these principles, there will be no compromises. [...]
with those neighbors and allies who share our freedom, we shook our historic ties and assure them our support and firm commitment. Respond to the loyalty with loyalty. We will strive to achieve mutually beneficial relationships. We will not use our friendship to impose on their sovereignty, for our own sovereignty is not for sale. And as regards the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the American people. We will negotiate for it, we will sacrifice ourselves for it, we will not surrender for it, now or ever.
May God bless and thanks.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Cover Letter For Therpay Aide
Mayor Tafi del Valle was assaulted on Tuesday night. Two thieves stole a car and left him without noticing that the car had a bag containing a large amount of money.
He was, along with Oscar Alfredo Diarte, secretary general of the municipality, who was in charge of filing the complaint and the seventh branch of the police. At the time of the assault, which occurred at a barbecue Mate de Luna Avenue to 4000, both officers were accompanied by municipal employees.
All were reduced by two offenders armed with guns, who stayed with money, cell phones, jewelry, a car Chevrolet Astra and even owned a gun Diarte.
The vehicle also owned by the complainant, was found hours later abandoned by the thugs who did not realize that inside the vehicle had a briefcase contenienro a sum of nearly 60 thousand dollars.
Police and managed to arrest one of them and looking intently at the second.
Friday, August 3, 2007
How To Clean The Inside Of Ugg Boots
I would not put heavy wear and phrases written only heroes who died nearly 200 years, but reading this really makes me compare these ideas with that handle the rulers of this.
This is a piece of so-called decree of suppression honors, rendered famous by the 1st meeting. The decree was the mastermind of Mariano Moreno, perhaps the most radical revolutionary who had the emancipation movement. After reading it will think: Revolutionaries were before ...
"... our citizens have been temporarily placed its authority in nine men, at 4 º Neither the President nor any other individuals of the Board in particular to be considered as public, nor will entourage, escort, or device that distinguishes them from other ciudadanos.quienes never upset flattery and who swear by the most sacred, that is venerated on earth, having failed to enter into their hearts to a single thought of ambition or tyranny : But we said again that the people must not merely to be fair, but must be treated, what we necessarily .[...]"
8 th is prohibited all toast, live, or public acclaim for private individuals to the Board. If they are fair, live in the hearts of his countrymen: they do not appreciate mouths, which have been desecrated with praise of tyrants. [...]
9 º No could be provided but for the homeland, their rights, for the glory of our arms, and general objects relating to the public happiness. [...]
10 Everyone, which provides for any particular individual of the Board, be banished for six years. [...]
see, was to avoid being given much importance to one person. Thus even before defining a model of republican government, and it was clear that the greatest enemy of freedom of the Rio de la Plata was tyranny.
200 years later is given super powers to ministers, is seeking re-election an unlimited amending constitutions or even take into account the existence of a constitution, crudely skipping to stand as governor of a province for 3 consecutive periods (for which not know, the author of that gem of contempt for the principle of alternation is Nestor Kirchner, governor of Santa Cruz for 3 consecutive terms).
Everything suggests that instead of going forward, going backward. We have an opportunity in October to at least halt the decline. After that we push hard, for events to run this huge machine call Argentina.
If you have time to enter the link where the original article. Not wasted
[Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1810-1821), cit., P (711): The Gazette for the December 8, 1810.]
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Madd Gear Pro Scooters For Sale Nz
These are thoughts of Dr. Juan Bautista Alberdi, author of several important works, the "Bases and Starting Points for the Political Organization of Argentina" (1852) and "Economic System and Argentina Confederation allocate revenue according to its Constitution 1853 "(1854). ALBERDI is the father of the glorious FOUNDING CONSTITUTION 1853. Any resemblance to the current administration ... no, not there ... ( extracted Periodismo de Verdad )
selective thinking
1) The merit of the Physiocrats "The eighteenth century European philosophy, so tied to the origins of our American Revolution, gave birth physiocrática school or economists, who flagged for not knowing more source of wealth to the land, but had the merit of freedom to profess the principle of economic policy reacting against the monopolies of any kind. She belongs to the formula that advises governments: let do, let pass, for any intervention in the industry. "
2) THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT "The idea of \u200b\u200ba public industry is absurd and false in its economic base. The industry in its three major modes of production is agriculture, manufacturing and trade, public or private, has no other functions. In any of them to throw the state government have the farmer, manufacturer or merchant, that is, outside its role essentially public and proprietary, which is to legislate, judge and manage "
3) PRIORITY OF CIVIL LIBERTIES "fanaticism not participate inexperienced, if not hypocritical, calling for political freedoms hand over fist to people who only know how to use them to create their own tyrants. But I want unlimited and very abundant for our peoples civil liberties, whose number belong economic freedoms to buy, sell, working, sailing, trading, travel and perform any industry "
4) FREEDOM INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR .. . "Individual freedom is the limit for completion of sacred authority. All crimes against the freedom of man have been committed not only unpunished, but state law on behalf of the Almighty is invoked by the government embracing. External freedom of the motherland is the independence of any foreign country. Internal Freedom is the independence of the individual within their own country. " "The country's external freedom is compatible with the greatest tyranny. Inner freedom (civil and political freedom) literally means absence of all-powerful and omnipotent power in the state and the state government. "
5) LIMITATION OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES ... "The Constitution of Argentina, as all known in the world, saw the rock of freedom, not the abuse of individuals as much as the abuse of power. So it was that before creating the government, outlined in its first part the principles which should serve to limit those powers, as first built, then the power. It was intended to limit, not one but three powers, and thus the power of the legislature and the law remained as limited as the Executive of the same "
6) VALUE OF PROPERTY" The property is mobile and stimulating production, the lure of work, and a term remunerative cares of the industry. The property has no value and attractiveness, not wealth itself, when not inviolable by the law and fact. "
7) economic freedom "essentially civil Economic freedom is freedom to own and have, to work and produce, acquire and dispose of, to force his will, to dispose of his person and his private destinations . The right to work and perform any lawful industry is a freedom that embraces all forms of human production, without which the industry than illegal or criminal, that is, the infringement of freedom of industry to another and the third party right. All the great school of Adam Smith is reduced to prove that free labor is the essential principle of all wealth created. All regulation under the pretext of organizing economic freedom in the exercise, the limits and pregnant, commits a double attack on the Constitution and against the national wealth, that this freedom has its beginning more fruitful "
8) THE INTERVENTION IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL "When the Constitution say that Argentina has made freedom and a half of economic output condition, we mean that the Constitution has imposed on the State's obligation not to intervene by restrictive laws and decrees in the course of production or commercial and maritime industry, as in political economy, freedom of the individual and not government intervention are two phrases that express the same fact "
9) AGAINST THE STATE EMPLOYER" Every law, every regulation, every statute, which draws from the hands of individuals the exercise of any of these operations, which are deemed and are industrial by nature in all legislation in the world and making it a monopoly or exclusive service of the state, attacking the freedoms granted by the Constitution, and alters the nature of government whose powers are reduced by the Constitution legislate, to judge and rule, ever to exercise proprietary industries. Not find it in the entire Constitution a provision granting Argentina to any branch of government the power to engage in commerce, agriculture or manufacturing by the State. The government is banker, insurer, auctioneer, entrepreneur means of communication industry and in construction of another kind, out of its constitutional role, and if excluded from these classes to individuals, then, lies with the private law with the Constitution, while throwing the country into poverty and arbitrariness "" The government has been created to make profit but to do justice and has not been created to get rich, but to be the guardian and sentinel human rights, the first of which is the right to work, or is freedom of industry. A trader who has a gun and all state power in one hand, and merchandise in the other, is a monster devouring all industrial freedom, before it all trade is impossible. "
10) THE DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH "To better protect the social order of wealth, the Constitution has chosen Argentina free distribution to the distribution and artificial regulation. The distribution of wealth is operated alone, the more evenly the less you eat the State to impose rules. "
11) THE PROMOTION OF CAPITAL "Not having to use other organic laws means to protect the capital coming from the media indicated by the Constitution itself, it is important to keep in mind what those means designated by the Constitution as the fundamental basis of every law that is relevant to the capital taken as a principle of conservation and increased , and its means of action and application to the production of its benefits. These means of protection, these principles of stimulus, are none other than freedom, security, equality, secured all that, inhabitants or absent from the country, introduce and establish their capital in it. "
12) THE SALARY IS A PRICE: THE MARKET STILL "The Salary is free under the Constitution as the price of labor, its rate depends on the normal laws of the market, and rule by the free will of the parties. No legal or compulsory wage in the eyes of the Constitution, beyond that which is expressly stated by law the parties or the judge's decision based on the current price of labor, when there is controversy. "
13) THE LAW CAN NOT GUARANTEE THE WORK "work to ensure every worker would be as impracticable as ensuring that every seller a buyer, all counsel a client, any physician who is sick, the whole comic, even if detestable, an auditorium. The law could not have that power, but at the expense of liberty and property, because it would need to give it away from each other, and such a law could not exist under the system of a constitution that enshrines for all residents the principles of liberty and property, as essential foundations of the law. "
14) the inequality of fortunes .... "The Constitution itself creates or gives anything: she says of man that man is God's work, its former legislator. God has made all men equal rights, has given some other capacity and inept, thus creating inequality of fortunes, which are the product of the capacity, not the law. The Constitution should not alter the work of God, but expressed and confirmed. Neither was within reach even the fortunes, or his look was one that declared equal rights. "
15) ISSUE WITHOUT BACK ... "While the government has the power to make money with simple strips of paper that no promise or undertake to refund the" absolute power "unalterably as gnawing worm live in the heart of the Constitution itself"
16 ) DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES "There are many ways that can be used with respect to taxes, but they all boil down to two. O requests directly to the taxpayer a portion of their income, or it requires a certain amount of consumption you do with your income, without inquiring his name or mention him. The first is the direct contribution, the other is called indirect contribution. Argentina's Constitution supports two methods of requiring the payment of the contribution, but is inclined to the latter, which is certainly more in keeping with its principles, the interests she has in mind "
17 ) CONTROL OF CHANGES ... "They are in derogation of the freedom of trade laws that restrict the movement of placement and removal currency, being a commodity currency like the others, and that all obstacles opposed to its free extraction is the frustration of a change, to be operated against another product imported from abroad. Such laws are doubly condemned as illiberal as absurd, as contrary to the Constitution and wealth at the same time "
18) THE ROLE OF THE OFFICE" What is the office within the meaning of the Constitution Argentina? . His actual words declare it: a right of import and export, that is, a tax, contribution, proceeds of which contribute to the formation of the Treasury, for the maintenance of the expenses of the Nation. (Articles 4 and 64). Outside of that role and character, the office has no other income in Argentina. Therefore no customs law, the Constitution organic at that point, you can custom a means of protection, much less of exclusion and prohibition, without altering and contravene the clear wording of the Constitution "
Source: "Ideas on Liberty." Nos. 44 (Year XXVI. October 1984. Alberdi selection of writings made by Raúl Oscar Abdala) and 45 (Year XXVII. March 1985) Publication of the Center for Studies on Freedom
Monday, May 7, 2007
Good Fake Weed For Movie
The title is clear: L'Inter dei Tedeschi, Inter Germans. So the team was known late nerazzurro of 80, in contradistinction to Milan from the Dutch. And so has passed into history and has endured in the hearts of those who sympathize with the team. Also, why deny it, of those who were in their day ... but I guess these will have less affection for Matthaus, Brehme and Klinsmann.
At a time when Serie A was a real NBA football, when all the big players going to play in Italy, when year after year the figures were (and went, since not all gave the height for the toughest championship the world), in the 80's, this team beat Inter copper with some of the best teams of the decade, defeating them in the glorious campaign from 1988-89.
As I said, is overwhelming the number of stars signed to the Prodigy Calcium Socrates, Zico, Bertoni, Schachner, Prohaska, Rumennigge, Hansi Muller, Elkjaer Larsen, Briegel, Maradona, Falcao, Cerezo, Van Basten, Gullit Rijkaard, Careca, Alemao, Diaz, Rush, Junior and a long list of cracks from all over the world. Inter
precedents for the 80 and were a winning team, but probably the most Italianate of calcium, with Alessandro Altobelli as a major star, and a trend already important players Germans. Thus came Hansi Muller and Karl Heinz Rumennigge, two bright stars (both were a step discretito by San Siro), and the Austrian Herbert Prohaska, a world of 78 and 82, known for his guts and beloved by tiffossi: a lung.
At this time, Juve was the strongest team in the world, covered in the economic potential of the Agnelli family and Trappattoni on the bench, l'Avvocatto formed a brilliant team, with 6 world champions in the 82 (Zoff Cabrini, Gentile, Scirea, Tardelli and Rossi), together with the two best players of the world, French and Polish Platini Zbiniew Boniek. With these rushes, the team found no rival Juventus in Serie A and Europe, despite losing the European Cup against Hamburg was 83 or Scudetto 85, before the Elkjaer sorpendente Verona, Briegel, Garella and Galderisi.
When he began the decline of this great team, Serie A, in the second half of the 80 sets are filled with very remarkable, that combined in the season 88-89. Milan came from the Dutch, the front Napoli Ma-Gi-Ca (Maradona, Careca, Giordano), the Juve siemrpe powerful (and Alejnikov Zavarov formed a powerful midfield alongside Rui Barros and acquaintances or Cabrini Tacconi) Baggio Fiorentina, Sampdoria's booming Mancini and Vialli ... and of course, the German Inter.
nerazzurro team had secured the services of the best todocampista the world, Germany's Lothar Matthaus, and fellow Andreas Brehme, a side trip along with a formidable punch. The winner Giovanni Trappattoni had made the seat on the bench interest. Iron forged a team with an impenetrable defense, a center of the field work and talent, and a deadly front. Thus, in subsequent years, with some changes in the elements of this unforgettable team forged together to discuss a bit more closely below.
In goal, the better. Just like that, Walter Zenga, the successor of Ivano Bordon and the best goalkeeper in the world with Rinat Dassaev. Undisputed number one from Italy, yet no one can explain why its replacement in Mexico 86, for a much lower Giovanni Galli. Adored by fans, completed one of the best seasons of his career.
Defense, the faithful representative of the best Italian football. Internationals Ferri, Bergomi (il zio d'Italia, the legend of the club), Mandorlini, Giuseppe Baresi and kept the goal Andy Brehme interest. Life insurance.
midfielder, probably one of the best lines covered. Matthaus claimed control, distribution, scoring and ranking to the number 10 worldwide. Next to him, Nicola Berti, with 21 years, he disputed Baggio the title of best young Italian, and World Series (and the 10), Italy 90. The young Bianchi also put his quality drops. In Matteoli, Falcao himself spoke wonders.
In the attack, Diaz, Argentinian and Serena, the goals were insured. Serena broke the record of goals in Serie A that season 88-89, with 22, a mark that could not be reached for 30 years. The following year, 89-90, the arrival of Klinsmann, who replaced Diaz made the attack even more powerful Inter.
This is why the German team won the Scudetto in that year, scoring 58 points with 26 wins, 6 draws and 2 defeats. 67 goals for and 19! Against. The most goals and fewest goals. A team history.
VILARIÑO SERGIO (Der Kaiser) 05/07/2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Non-reigious Wedding Ceremony Program
Football is a language. And no one dominates calcium that language better than Rome. It is a matter of style: the precision with which the tag midfielders dialogue develops, the wealth of interior monologue that reads Totti, participates or not in the game, the syntactic fluency in thick situations. It is also about ingenuity: a computer without ram is no linear development team, forced to resign from the simple plot and move in spirals. The coach, Luciano Spalletti, does not resemble anything like Julio Cortázar. His football, however, looks the makings of Rayuela.
for Spalletti, the ball is like La Maga of Hopscotch: a must, because it inspires the whole, but not always visible. The movement of the tag midfielders (Pizarro, De Rossi, Perrotta, Totti) is based on the magician's code. The fingers are never faster than light, and the players are not faster than the ball. But it is beautiful to believe. The trick is to divert attention: when the ball is back between the feet of Pizarro, the viewer is already looking forward to these guys that cross diagonally guessing carambola. The opposing defense, as the viewer is distracted for a second. So the ball seems to come from nowhere to the place least expected. Sometimes nothing happens. But everything happens very fast. That is the Roma.
Inter is a troubled conscience a possible redemption. Has its part of the reason and act with the best intentions. Develop a set of classical, spacious, big breath. Never loses. The scudetto is yours. As in Crime and Punishment, however, the main protagonist of calcium is haunted by a shadow. As Raskolnikov, the International believed to justice ending a miserable and corrupting character (the old usurer would in this case Juventus Luciano Moggi). Now we discover obsessed with Juve, which has somehow supplanted. We do not know how, but we know that Inter's novel ends in a Siberian purgatory.
The Milan is a very long text, unfinished, twilight, where the vestiges of a glorious past coexist with an undefined project. In his novel the plot is unknown, a reflection on modernity and longs for a better time while looking for the future. Even the young heroes, like Kaka, suffer erosion of nostalgia. Milanello jewels glisten with a golden sadness Austro-Hungarian dance. Coach Carlo Ancelotti has something similar infumable the best soap opera of all time: The Man Without attributes, by Robert Musil.
Lazio and is third. Nobody can explain the wonder of a wonderful story woven with coarse twigs. It started with penalty points, it is technically a club in ruins, President tier pita and no way to dispel the image of institution filofascista. In the absence of other convincing explanation, it should be a matter of talent. As Rebecca's Daughters: Dylan Thomas, a drunken genius, wrote for the cinema the story of Welsh rebels disguised as women, the story was not filmed (until much later, and poor) and the engine was in the air, hanging of their own magic. The buccaneers are Lazio and his daughters Rebecca: a rare delight. Enric
09/04/2007 GONZALEZ
Friday, March 23, 2007
Designing Your Own Championship Belt
Materazzi was saying the other day in an interview, "Inter and not like him? Is something about that. I have been, am, and I will always be hated but I'm finally a winner. This year everyone has tried to put us pressure, but we have silenced all playing in the field. "
Internazionale has been a team that has caused the indifference of the majority, the sympathy of some, hatred of none or almost none, but also criticism from many for having won a few titles in recent years, from 99 to 2005 is certain that Inter did not win any title, it does not You can argue, also said that Moratti has spent much money and has not worked, is true about the revolutions of staff, but only have to look at the most low level players booked in the last 3 or 4 years little has been invested money, and that Moratti had 3 or 4 years of madness, coinciding with the years in which atrocities were paid, Mendieta-Lazio etc .... 3 of most expensive signings Ronaldo, Crespo and Vieri, except that Vieri scored over 100 goals and gave a great performance, were sold for more money than was paid for them. ...
Summer already sparked controversy over whether the Inter deserved the last of two scudettos who removed to Juventus, but that has not been This has led to return the Anti-Inter, has actually been following several things:
- First team to win 17 straight games, surpassing the mark of Bayern Munchen 2003 and Real Madrid from the time of Di Stefano, even as the Scottish lower leagues where 2 teams dominate a mark has been achieved so.
won away against the top finishers in league, Fiorentina, Roma, Palermo, Lazio or Milan, too.
- only team in the history of Italy has always fought in Serie A.
- in league, cup and champions, with 11 players has lost a total of 0 games this season, only 2 games lost were in full hangover season against Sporting which Vieira was sent off against Bayern Munchen and they were expelled Ibrahimovic and Grosso.
- With one of the best double pivot of the world has won everything, or almost everything (I think it has not drawn), I talk about Vieira, Cambiasso, who along with Zanetti and Stankovic have become the key team midfield serious, solid and strong as never before seen in this team, possibly the biggest deficiency that has been in previous years, Conçenciao, Farinos, Van Der Meyde, Emre, Veron, and many failures.
this year and causes neither indifference nor sympathy, but continues to receive criticism, 3 types of reviews to be exact.
1-is said to be a team for investigating corrupt Cristian Vieri and one of the many referees paid by Luciano Moggi, De Sanctis, for some take the law into their own hands is corruption, others, like me, is simply So take the law into their own hands when you see that the federation is deaf to everything. 2-May
fails in Europe, well, Villarreal if it was a great failure, or rather a catastrophe, but not this year, the team unlike last year showed his face at all times, the series was overall a better team and it is obvious that the dual pivot head and Adriano would have happened without many troubles in the same way i make level rivals Valencia as Rome, Milan and Fiorentina, and eye, I'm not underestimating the level of Valencia, which has proven to be a team irregular but the best team in Spain over Barcelona or Real Madrid, but no injuries that Inter is next with Chelsea the best squad in Europe will hurt those who hurt.
3-It is said that this year we won everything in Serie A because Juventus is in 2 nd division, and that Milan is wrong, but ..... Juventus although this in 2 º do not think Rome Milan, Fiorentina, Palermo and Sampdoria, for example, are worse than last year, right? I do not think that is valid on the grounds that the Milan is wrong, when Milan won the scudetto last and Inter was wrong, no one detracts from the scudetto of AC Milan. This year's Serie A has lost interest in this course, is also clear that unlike other years it has exported star from other leagues in the summer (although against the only class player who has left has been Zambrotta). That Inter have the best squad by far and maybe not so much merit? yes, but the excuse that the 2 teams according to research corrupt summer, especially Milan and Juventus, are not OK, it's an excuse for losers and that authentic does nothing but prove that he has become the Anti-Interest purer and harder than ever, and no mistake, all his detractors are Anti-interest, almost all the big teams are hated in their countries, the Netherlands Ajax, Bayern in Germany and Boca Juniors in Argentina, in the case of Juventus, a team is not hated by his greatness if not for his unfortunate criminal record.